\name{stackedBars} \alias{stackedBars} \title{ Produces a stacked, staggered barplot} \description{ This produces a series of stacked bar plots staggered so that the baseline corresponds to a particular state level. This is primariliy designed for producing plots of probability vectors coming out of Bayes net scoring. } \usage{ stackedBars(data, profindex, ..., ylim = c(min(offsets) - 0.25, max(1 + offsets)), cex.names = par("cex.axis"), digits = 2) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{data}{A \code{data.frame} where each column is a probability vector.} \item{profindex}{The index of the proficiency which should be used as a baseline. } \item{\dots}{Graphical arguments passed to \code{barplot}. } \item{ylim}{ Default limits for Y axis.} \item{cex.names}{ Magnification for names. } \item{digits}{ Number of digits for overlayed numeric variables.} } \details{ This plot type assumes that each column in its first argument is a probability vector. It then produces a stacked bar for each column. The baseline of the bar is offset by the probility for being in the category marked by \code{profindex} or below. The probability values are overlayed on the bars. } \references{ This plot type was initially developed in Jody Underwood's Evolve project } \author{Russell Almond} \seealso{\code{\link{compareBars}}, \code{\link{Colors}}, \code{\link{buildMarginTab}}, \code{\link{marginTab}}, \code{\link[graphics]{barplot}}} \examples{ margins <- data.frame ( Trouble=c(Novice=.19,Semester1=.24,Semester2=.28,Semseter3=.20,Semester4=.09), NDK=c(Novice=.01,Semester1=.09,Semester2=.35,Semseter3=.41,Semester4=.14), Model=c(Novice=.19,Semester1=.28,Semester2=.31,Semseter3=.18,Semester4=.04) ) stackedBars(margins,3, main="Margininal Distributions for NetPASS skills", sub="Baseline at 3rd Semester level.", cex.names=.75, col=hsv(223/360,.2,0.10*(5:1)+.5)) stackedBars(margins,3, main="Margininal Distributions for NetPASS skills", sub="Baseline at 3rd Semester level.", percent=FALSE,digits=2, cex.names=.75, col=hsv(223/360,.2,0.10*(5:1)+.5)) } \keyword{hplot}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS