This web site contains various R web applications made by the FSU college of education R group.
These are demos I wrote for my introductory statistics class. They are at
.Included in this directory is a set of instructions for using R in our statistics labs. These start with Installing R.
These are scripts following the educational data analysis class (EDF 5484). Many of them correspond to exercises in the book Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models by Gelman and Hill.
Update: We are now using Regression and Other Stories. The examples are on Github
These are in the directory
These are scripts following the Bayesian data analysis class (EDF 5404). This class also uses Gelman and Hill (and hopefully and update of Part 2 will be out soon).y
These are in the directory
More information about the FSU R group, including instructions for joining can be found at You can join the mailing list at
A list of presentation notebooks (in Rmd format) can be found at:
The source code for our Shiny apps can be found at That is the location of our subversion repository (write access available to R group members).
Last Modified: 2020-09-04.