library(shiny) library(futile.logger) library(future) library(promises) plan(multicore) ## Windows users, go to and follow the instructions there. checkPassword <- function (uid, pwd) TRUE ui <- fluidPage( titlePanel("Logging Test"), tags$head(tags$script(src = "message-handler.js")), fluidRow( textInput("adminid", label = "Username:", width = 500), passwordInput("adminpwd", label = "Password:", width = 500), textInput("branch", label = "Vesion Branch:", value="PP-main",width = 500) ), fluidRow( actionButton("go","Go"), actionButton("log","Show Log.") ), fluidRow("Model Builder is",textOutput("status")), fluidRow(tableOutput("log")) ) logfile <- character() server <- function(input, output) { status <- reactiveVal("Ready.") nclicks <- reactiveVal(0) showlog <- reactiveVal(0) readlog <- reactive({ showlog() cat("Checking log file:",logfile,".\n") if (length(logfile) >0L) { lf <- file(logfile) mess <- readLines(lf) close(lf) cat("Found ",length(mess),"messages.\n") data.frame(Messages=mess) } else { NULL } }) observeEvent(input$go, { showNotification( ifelse(checkPassword(input$adminid,input$adminpwd), sprintf("Logged into application %s.", input$branch), "Authentication Error.")) if (nclicks() > 0L) { showNotification("Already running model builder.") return (NULL) } logfile <<- "/tmp/Logging.log" if (file.exists(logfile)) unlink(logfile) status("Working...") result <- future({ flog.appender(appender.file(logfile))"Message 1.")"Message 2.")"Message 3.") for (i in 4:25) { Sys.sleep(1)"Message %d",i)) } "Done." }) %...>% status() result <- catch(result, function(e) { status("Error!") print(e$message) showNotification(e$message) }) result <- finally(result, function() { showlog(-1) nclicks(0) }) return(NULL) }) observeEvent(input$log, { showlog(showlog()+1) #Increment counter to force log file reload. }) output$status <- renderText(status()) output$log <- renderTable(readlog(),colnames=FALSE) } shinyApp(ui=ui,server=server)