
Physics Playground The Game

Gameplay Sketching

Sketching Levels

Physics Playground Sketching

Players draw objects (ramps, pendulums, levers, springboards) to get ball to balloon.

Gameplay Manipulation

Manipulation Levels

Physics Playground Manipulation

Players manipulate physics parameters (gravity, ball mass, air resistance, bounciness) to get ball to balloon.

Four Process Architecture

  • Presentation (Game Engine) – Presents game level captures work product (collection of events).

  • Evidence Identification (Server) – Processes events for a game level to create observable evidence sets for the game levels.

  • Evidence Accumulation (Server) – Uses Bayesian networks to estimate physics proficiencies from game levels.

  • Activity Selection (Game Engine) – Picks next game level based on current ability estimates.

Note: Events and evidence sets are stored in a database, so scoring can easily be rerun by marking evidence sets as “unprocessed” and reprocessing.

Physics Playground Model

Proficiency Model

  • 4 high-level proficiencies (salmon)
  • 9 low-level proficiencies (orange).

Each nodes has states High, Medium and Low.

Physics Playground Q-Matrix

There is a collection of evidence models: one for each game level.

These are represented through an augmented Q-matrix

online sheet

Peanut package has code for building Bayes nets from spreadsheet.

Physics Playground Scores

  • Margin – Probabilities for High, Medium and Low (vector valued).

  • Mode – One of High, Medium or Low with highest probability.

  • EAP (Expected A Posteriori) – Assign the value +1 to High, 0 to Medium and -1 to Low and then calculate the expected value. This can be also expressed as \(\Pr(High) -\Pr(Low)\). The score runs from +1 (high) to -1 (low). (In the implementation, .97 and -.97 was used, so the actual scores do not every quite reach +1 or -1).

EABN Engine can spit out each of these score types for each node.


Split Halfs

  • “Items” are game levels: need to leave game levels intact.

  • Pair game levels on:

    • Primary and Secondary Skills
    • Difficulty
    • Other features
  • Randomly assign one level of each pair to Form A and Form B.

Rescoring Logic

  • Mark observable sets from Form A levels as unscored. Rescore to get Form A scores.

  • Mark observable sets from Form B levels as unscored. Rescore to get Form B scores.

Reliabilities: EAP correlations

EAP scores are continuous, so can use ordinary correlations.

Optionally apply Spearman-Brown corrections

Correlations between Form A and B sub-forms.
Measure Reliability
Physics 0.229
Force and Motion 0.135
Linear Momentum 0.080
Energy 0.456
Torque 0.139

Scatterplot (Higher Reliability)

Energy EAP score consistency

Energy EAP score consistency

Scatterplot (Lower Reliability)

Linear Momentum EAP score consistency

Linear Momentum EAP score consistency

Reliabilities: Modal Kappas

modalTab <- table(statAB$Physics_ModeA,statAB$Physics_ModeB)
Agreement of Physics Modal Scores.
L 53 89
M 17 40
## Call: cohen.kappa1(x = x, w = w, n.obs = n.obs, alpha = alpha, levels = levels)
## Cohen Kappa and Weighted Kappa correlation coefficients and confidence boundaries 
##                  lower estimate upper
## unweighted kappa -0.05    0.054  0.16
## weighted kappa   -0.05    0.054  0.16
##  Number of subjects = 199

The cohen.kappa function is from the psych package.

Expected Kappas (1)

Get the “expected agreement” table by multiplying the margin scores together.

##   Physics_Margin.HighA Physics_Margin.MediumA Physics_Margin.LowA
## 1               0.0323                 0.6432              0.3244
##   Physics_Margin.HighB Physics_Margin.MediumB Physics_Margin.LowB
## 1                5e-04                 0.0941              0.9055

Expected Kappas (2)

##           [,1]       [,2]       [,3]
## [1,] 1.615e-05 0.00303943 0.02924765
## [2,] 3.216e-04 0.06052512 0.58241760
## [3,] 1.622e-04 0.03052604 0.29374420

Expected Kappas (3)

Now sum accros students:

states <- c("High","Medium","Low")
expTab <- outer(
for (irow in 2:(nrow(statAB))) {
  itab <- outer(
  if (all(!is.na(itab))) 
    expTab <- expTab + itab
rownames(expTab) <- states
colnames(expTab) <- states

Expected Kappas (4)

Agreement of Physics Marginal Scores.
High Medium Low
High 0.111 1.482 1.061
Medium 2.837 42.651 29.662
Low 3.485 62.450 55.261
## Call: cohen.kappa1(x = x, w = w, n.obs = n.obs, alpha = alpha, levels = levels)
## Cohen Kappa and Weighted Kappa correlation coefficients and confidence boundaries 
##                   lower estimate upper
## unweighted kappa -0.073    0.050  0.17
## weighted kappa   -0.357    0.057  0.47
##  Number of subjects = 199


Correlations with external measures

The Fall 2019 Field trial included a pret-test and post-test.

Items were coded to subscales matching the 4 high-level (salmon) nodes.

Correlation of Physics EAP score with whole pretest and posttest.
preScore postScore Physics_EAP
preScore 1.000 0.698 0.226
postScore 0.698 1.000 0.182
Physics_EAP 0.226 0.182 1.000


As the subscale measures are short, sum the pre -test and post-test scores

Reliability (sub-form correlations) and Valitity (corrlation with pretest + posttest)
Measure Reliability Validity
Physics 0.229 0.220
Force and Motion 0.135 0.153
Linear Momentum 0.080 0.061
Energy 0.456 0.223
Torque 0.139 0.174

Eta Statistic

Can use the \(\eta\) or \(\eta^2\) statistic to show how much of variability in score is explained by classification.

## AOV expect factors.
BSEAP$Physics_Mode <- factor(BSEAP$Physics_Mode)
## Pretest
preaov <- aov(preScore ~ Physics_Mode,data=BSEAP)
cat("Pretest eta:", round(
  sqrt(eta_squared(preaov, partial=FALSE)$Eta_Sq),
## Pretest eta: 0.17
## Posttest eta: 0.14

The eta_squared function is from the effectsize package.


These techniques work with any CDM which provides probability distributions over mastery states.

ECD models really help to produce matched forms for split-halfs.

These calculations can be used in formatory analysis.

Can do this with simulated data to examine form designs.
