A Comparison of Two MCMC Algorithms for Hierarchical Mixture Models Mixture models form an important class of models for unsupervised learning, allowing data points to be assigned labels based on their values. However, standard mixture models procedures do not deal well with rare components. For example, pause times in student essays have different lengths depending on what cognitive processes a student engages in during the pause. However, instances of student planning (and hence very long pauses) are rare, and thus it is difficult to estimate those parameters from a single student's essays. A hierarchical mixture model eliminates some of those problems, by pooling data across several of the higher level units (in the example students) to estimate parameters of the mixture components. One way to estimate the parameters of a hierarchical mixture model is to use MCMC. By these models have several issues such as non-identifiability under label switching that make them difficult to estimate just using off-the-shelf MCMC tools. This paper looks at the steps necessary to estimate these models using two popular MCMC packages: JAGS (Metropolis-Hastings algorithm) and Stan (Hamiltonian Monte Carlo). JAGS, Stan and R code to estimate the models and model fit statistics will be published along with the paper.