\name{xmlWrite} \alias{xmlWrite} \title{writes out top level XML} \description{ Calls the function \code{saveXML} to write an XML node to a file with a wrapper which writes a progress message to standard output. } \usage{ xmlWrite(node, file) } \arguments{ \item{node}{A top level XML node object.} \item{file}{File identifier for where to write it.} } \value{ None } \author{Russell Almond} \seealso{\code{\link[XML]{saveXML}}, \code{\link{writeAMD}}} \examples{ ## TODO write better examples \dontrun{ xmlWrite(xmlHypergraph(amd$studentModels[[name]]), paste(name,"gm.xml",sep=".")) xmlWrite(xmlAMD(amd),paste(directory,amdfile,sep=.Platform$file.sep)) } } \keyword{interface}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS