\name{xmlSimpleTaskList} \alias{xmlSimpleTaskList} \title{Creates an Task Description Data file from a list of ECD TaskIDs} \description{ Takes a simple list of \code{\link{ECDID}} strings and produces an \code{\link[XML]{XMLNode}} containing the task list. This version, unlike \code{\link{xmlTaskList}}, does not generate code for scale anchors. } \usage{ xmlSimpleTaskList(taskIDs, toplevel = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{taskIDs}{A character vector where each element is an \code{\link{ECDID}} for a task in an assessment form.} \item{toplevel}{A logical flag, if true the appropriate XML namespace and schema attributes are added to the top level node.} } \details{ A bare-bones Task Data Description (\code{tdd.xml}) file consists of a list of ECD Task IDs, wrapped in the appropriate XML. This file generates such IDs. } \value{ An \code{\link[XML]{XMLNode}} object containing the task list. } \references{ \url{http://research.ets.org/~ralmond/StatShop/dataFormats.html} } \author{Russell Almond} \seealso{ \code{\link{tdd.namespace}}, \code{\link{xmlWrite}}, \code{\link{tdd.prefix}}, \code{\link{tdd.schemaLocation}}, \code{\link[XML]{XMLNode}}, \code{\link{xmlSimpleTaskList}} for an alternative mechanism. } \examples{ L7.tid <- "ecd://tacitstudy/tkis/Likert7/" L7.tasks <- paste(L7.tid,"STERN",1:10,".1",sep="") L7.tlNode <- xmlSimpleTaskList(L7.tasks) \dontrun{ saveXML(L7.tlnode,"L7.tdd.xml") } } \keyword{interface}