\name{writeTranslationTable} \alias{writeTranslationTable} \title{ Internal function which outputs a translation table in XML format. } \usage{ writeTranslationTable(pdf,keys,values,indent) } \arguments{ \item{pdf}{Handle to the Pretest Description file which is being written.} \item{keys}{Vector giving the values of the "keys" (values in the CSV file).} \item{values}{Vector giving the values of the "values" (values in the Calibtraion Pretest Data (\code{cpd.xml}) file.} \item{indent}{An integer giving the current indentation level.} } \description{ Writes out the \code{} element which is used to describe recoding instructions in the Pretest Description XML file. It also writes the contents of this element which consist of a collection of \code{} elements whose contents are given in the arguments. The \code{} element is used in several different elements. } \section{Side Effects}{ XML element is written to the file corresponding to the first argument. } \references{ http://research.ets.org/~ralmond/StatShop/dataFormats.html } \author{Russell Almond} \seealso{ \code{\link{xmlObservationMeta}}, \code{\link{xmlStatisticMeta}}, \code{\link{xmlDemographicVariableMeta}}, \code{\link{amdToPD}}, \code{\link{readTranslationTable}} } \keyword{interface}