\name{varDescription} \alias{varDescription} \alias{toString.varDescription} \alias{print.varDescription} \title{ Variable description object. } \usage{ varDescription(name=character(0),nodeName=character(0), role=character(0),levels=character(0), isOrdered = TRUE) toString.varDescription(x, ...) print.varDescription(x, ...) } \description{ A meta-data description of a StatShop variable. Usually created by reading an Assessment Model Description file. Note: StatShop currently only supports discrete variables. } \arguments{ \item{name}{External identifier for the variable (used by Evidence Identification Process).} \item{nodeName}{Internal name of the variable (defaults to same as name).} \item{role}{A string code identifying the role of the variable. One of \sQuote{SM}---Student model variable,---\sQuote{Observable}---observable outcome variable,---or \sQuote{EM}---internal Evidence/Link model variable (e.g., context effect).} \item{levels}{A string vector giving the names of the possible states of the variable. Note: if states are ordered assumes that the highest state is first.} \item{isOrdered}{A logical value indicating whether or not the elements should be regarded as ordered.} \item{x}{A \code{varDescription} we are printing.} \item{\dots}{Arguments passed to print function.} } \value{ A class with elements as described in the arguments section. } \details{ StatShop assumes states are ordered from highest to lowest, e.g., \code{High},\code{Medium}, \code{Low}. StatShop also allows variables to have a different internal name (\code{nodeName}) used in the graphs and external name (\code{name}) used in data requests send to the scoring engine (e.g., pretest data files). } \references{ \url{http://research.ets.org/~ralmond/StatShop/dataFormats.html} } \seealso{ \code{\link{parseVar}},\code{\link{xmlDiscreteVariable}} } \examples{ Theta <- varDescription("theta","theta",role="SM", levels=c("Advanced","Proficient", "Basic", "Below Basic")) X2 <- varDescription("X2","ScoredResponse",role="Observable", levels=c("Correct","Incorrect")) Context <- varDescription("Context","Context",role="EM", levels=c("Familiar","Unfamiliar")) } \keyword{interface}