\name{processOmitCodes} \alias{processOmitCodes} \title{ An internal function for translating missing handlers from AMD file for use in Pretest Description. } \usage{ processOmitCodes(handlers, omitCodes) } \arguments{ \item{handlers}{XML Node objects from the Assessment Model Description being processed.} \item{omitCodes}{A vector giving recoding to use for missing values. Names should be the values in the \code{cpd.xml} file and value should be the values used in the CSV file.} } \description{ Generates the \code{} elements for a Pretest Description from the \code{} elements from an Assessment Model Description. The assumption is that they will be recoded, the \code{omitCodes} argument gives the new coding. The data sets \code{omitCode789}, and \code{omitCodeStrings} contain two common cases: recoding to integers and leaving intact as strings. } \section{Side Effects}{ XML element is written to the file corresponding to the second argument. } \references{ http://research.ets.org/~ralmond/StatShop/dataFormats.html } \seealso{ \code{\link{amdToPD}}, \code{\link{omitCode789}}, \code{\link{omitCodeStrings}} } \keyword{internal}