\name{parseMissingCode} \alias{parseMissingCode} \alias{xmlMissingCode} \title{Translates between MissingCode objects and StatShop XML.} \description{ Translates between \code{MissingCode} objects and \code{} elements in \code{amd.xml} files from StatShop. } \usage{ parseMissingCode(mcNode) xmlMissingCode(mc) } \arguments{ \item{mcNode}{An \code{XMLNode} object containing a \code{} element.} \item{mc}{\code{MissingCode} object to be written. } } \details{ Part of a parsing/deparsing system for reading/writing AMD XML code for StatShop. } \value{ An \code{XMLNode} or \code{MissingCode} object containing the same information as its argument. } \references{ \url{http://research.ets.org/~ralmond/StatShop/dataFormats.html} } \author{Russell Almond} \seealso{ \code{\link[XML]{XMLNode}}, \code{\link{MissingCode}} } \examples{ mc1 <- MissingCode(type="Omit",handler="Low", xmlCode="Omit",checksum="*") mc2 <- MissingCode(type="Ivalid",handler="Error") mc1node <- xmlMissingCode(mc1) mc1rt <- parseMissingCode(mc1node) mc2node <- xmlMissingCode(mc2) mc2rt <- parseMissingCode(mc2node) \dontshow{ stopifnot( identical(mc1,mc1rt), identical(mc2,mc2rt) ) } } \keyword{interface}