\name{parameterVector} \alias{parameterVector} \alias{show.parameterVector} \title{ Creates a new parameter vector object. } \usage{ parameterVector(params, identifier=character(0), covariance=NULL) show.parameterVector(object) } \arguments{ \item{params}{A vector giving the values for the parameters.} \item{identifier}{A string giving the identifier for the model, this is usually of the form \code{\emph{model}.\emph{variable}}.} \item{covariance}{Either NULL or a covariance matrix.} \item{object}{A \code{parameterVector} we want to show.} } \value{ An object of class \code{parameterVector}. This represents the prior distribution for the parameters of a DiBello--Samejima type model. The \code{values} field gives the mean values for the parameter. The \code{covariance} field (if non-\code{NULL} gives the covariance matrix. The \code{identifier} field gives a string identifying the parameter. } \description{ Creates an object of \code{parameterVector}. These are used to store the results of parsing the GM files associated with Assessment Model Description files. } \references{ http://research.ets.org/~ralmond/StatShop/dataFormats.html } \seealso{ \code{\link{distribution}}, \code{\link{parseParameterSet}} } \examples{ ## Need to get names correct for everything to work. pnames <- c("Task Difficulty", "Relative Importance(Reading)", "Level Difficulty Increment(Outcome_R,Very Good)", "Level Difficulty Increment(Outcome_R,Good)") pvalue <- c(0,0.405,0.4837,0.4837) names(pvalue) <- pnames pcov <- matrix(0,nrow=length(pnames),ncol=length(pnames), dimnames=list(pnames,pnames)) diag(pcov) <- c(0.3164,0.0207, 0.01, 0.01) ps1 <- parameterVector(pvalue,"SkillRead1.Outcome_R",pcov) } \keyword{interface}