\name{nextPDColumn} \alias{resetPDColumns} \alias{nextPDColumn} \title{ Counter for columns in Pretest Description file. } \usage{ nextPDColumn() resetPDColumns(zeroColumn=0) } \arguments{ \item{zeroColumn}{Initial value for column counter, default zero.} } \description{ These functions are used for generating the column indexes for Pretest Description files. The \code{nextPDColumn} function increments the column counter and returns the current value. The \code{restPDColumn} function sets the value of the counter. This can be set to a value other than zero to account for columns for demographic variables which will be added later. } \section{Side Effects}{ A gobal variable called \code{pdColumnCount} implements the current value of the counter. } \section{Under Construction}{ Should rewrite this to use proper closures. } \seealso{ \code{\link{amdToPD}} } \keyword{interface}