\name{getParameterSetsForModel} \alias{getParameterSetsForModel} \title{Generates parameter sets from XML node.} \description{ Fetches a list of all parameter sets for a model, given StudentModel, EvidenceModel or LinkModel xml tag. } \usage{getParameterSetsForModel(modelXML, chatty=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{modelXML}{An XML node from an Assessment Model Description tag refering to an Student, Link or Evidence model.} \item{chatty}{A logical value, if true, then progress messages about files read will printed.} } \details{ This takes an XML node from an Assessment Model Description describing one model. It reads and parses the XML in the associated GM file. It then builds a list of \code{parameterVector} objects corresponding to the distributions in the model. Note that it is assumed that the GM files are in the current working directory. Thus it is usually necessary to call \code{setwd} to set the R working directory to the one containing the AMD and all of the GM files before proceding. } \value{ A list of \code{parameterSet} objects corresponding to the distributions in the model. Only DiBello--Samejima distributions (which use vector valued parameters) are retained, others are removed. } \references{ http://research.ets.org/~ralmond/StatShop/dataFormats.html } \seealso{ \code{\link{parameterVector}},\code{\link{getEMParametersForAMD}}, \code{\link{getLMParametersForAMD}}, \code{\link{getParameterSetsFromGMFile}} } \keyword{interface}