\name{compareEMtoLM} \alias{compareEMtoLM} \title{Compares Evidence Models to Link Models. } \description{ Similar to the function \code{compareAMD}, only one of the arguments contains Evidence Models and the other contains Link Models. In this case it matches each link model to the Evidence Model it came from and compares the two. } \usage{ compareEMtoLM(AMD, ADF, level = 0.05, chatty = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{AMD}{A parsed assessment model descripton containing evidence models.} \item{ADF}{A parsed assessment description file containing link models.} \item{level}{Level of statistical test.} \item{chatty}{If \code{chatty} is true then intermediate results are printed to standard output.} } \details{ Performs a parameter comparison similar to \code{compareAMD}, however, this time the ADF (containing link models) is compared to the AMD (containing evidence models). Here each link model is compared to the evidence model from which it came. If the evidence models referenced in the ADF cannot be found the in AMD, or the models have the same names but different variables, an error results. Each test is performed with \code{compareDS} or \code{compareHD} for DiBello--Samejima or hyper-Dirichelet distributions respectively. The results of each test is a chi-square value which is accumulated across all tests. If \code{chatty} is true, then the invidual test results are printed. } \value{ \item{chi2}{Total Chi-squared value.} \item{df}{Total degrees of freedom.} } \references{ http://research.ets.org/~ralmond/StatShop/dataFormats.html } \author{Russell Almond} \note{ ~~further notes~~ } \seealso{\code{\link{compareDS}}, \code{\link{compareHD}}, \code{\link{parseAMD}}, \code{\link{compareAMD}}} \examples{ #Assumes StatShop is installed on the test machine. StatShop <- Sys.getenv("STATSHOP") if (StatShop == "") { warn("StatShop not installed, skipping test.") } else { ltdir <- paste(StatShop,"TestScripts","LanguageExport", sep=.Platform$file.sep) origAMD <- parseAMD(paste(ltdir,"Parametric-adf", "Assembly__Model__Parametric.amd.xml", sep=.Platform$file.sep)) derivedADF <- parseAMD(paste(ltdir,"Parametric-Random", "SixteenTasksR.amd.xml", sep=.Platform$file.sep)) result <- compareEMtoLM(origAMD,derivedADF) print(result) print(pchisq(result$chi2,result$df)) } } \keyword{htest}