\name{buildVarsFromPvecs} \alias{buildVarsFromPvecs} \title{Builds a variable descriptions from probability vectors} \description{ Takes a named list of marginal probability distributions and produces a set of \code{\link{varDescription}} objects from the meta-data. } \usage{ buildVarsFromPvecs(pvecs, role = "SM") } \arguments{ \item{pvecs}{A list of vectors giving marginal distributions of various probability distributions} \item{role}{A character vector with the names names as \code{pvecs} giving the role for each variable, or a scaler giving the role for all variables. Should be one of \dQuote{SM}, \dQuote{EM} or \dQuote{Observable}.} } \details{ This creates a collection of \code{\link{varDescription}} objects whose names are given by the \code{names(pvecs)} and whose levels are given by the names of the elements of \code{pvecs}. The roles are given by \code{role} } \value{ A list of the same length as \code{pvecs} containing variable description objects. } \author{Russell Almond} \note{ StatShop usually assumes that the states are ordered from the \emph{highest} to the \emph{lowest} possible values, for example \sQuote{High}, \sQuote{Med}, \sQuote{Low}. } \section{Under Construction}{ This function was designed and coded, but never used. May go away. } \seealso{\code{\link{varDescription}} } \examples{ data(MathGrades) fivevars <- buildVarsFromPvecs(MathGrades$pvecs) } \keyword{manip}