\name{Statistic} \alias{Statistic} \alias{print.Statistic} \alias{toString.Statistic} \title{Representation of a Statisic which can be used as a score.} \description{ Creates a statistic object to represent a potential score which can be calculated from an assessment. } \usage{ Statistic(name, class, model, reportingVars = character(0), reportOnUpdate = TRUE, scale=1, offset=0) print.Statistic(x, ...) toString.Statistic(x, ...) } \arguments{ \item{name}{String giving the identifier for the statistic.} \item{class}{String giving the logical implementation class for this statisic type. StatShop maps this to a Java class.} \item{model}{String giving the name of the Student Model this statistic operates on.} \item{reportingVars}{Character vector giving the names of the Student Model variables this statistics uses in its calculations.} \item{reportOnUpdate}{A boolean variable specifying whether this statistic should be calculated automatically.} \item{scale}{Multiplier used for raw statistic.} \item{offset}{Constant value added to statistic.} \item{x}{Dummy argument to \code{print} or \code{toString}.} \item{\dots}{Additional arguments to \code{print} or \code{toString}.} } \value{ An object of class \code{MissingCode} whose fields are the same as the entities given above. } \details{ StatShop uses a Bayesian scoring algorithm in which the \dfn{Scoring Model} for each examinee provides the posterior distribution over the \dfn{reporting variables} in the Student Model. Any statitic of that distribution is a potentially reportable score. } \references{ \url{http://research.ets.org/~ralmond/StatShop/dataFormats.html} } \note{ Because of the internal coding for StatShop, mean statistics usually make more sense if they have \code{scale=-1}. } \author{Russell Almond } \seealso{\code{\link{amd}}, \code{\link{parseStatistic}}, \code{\link{xmlStatistic}}} \examples{ Statistic(name="margin(Skill1)", class="Bayes Net Margin", reportOnUpdate=TRUE, model="System", reportingVars="Skill 1") Statistic(name="sd(Skill2)", class="Bayes Net Standard Deviation", reportOnUpdate=TRUE, model="System", reportingVars="Skill 2") Statistic(name="EAP(Skill1)", class="Bayes Net Mean", reportOnUpdate=TRUE, model="System", reportingVars="Skill 1", offset=2, scale=-1) Statistic(name="SkillsMastered", class="Sum at Level", reportOnUpdate=FALSE, model="System", reportingVars=c("Skill 1", "Skill 2", "Skill 3")) } \keyword{classes}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS