\name{QProficiencyVars} \alias{QProficiencyVars} \title{Build Proficiency Variables for Skills.} \description{ Builds a collection of proficiency variable \code{varDescription}s from a list of names and states. } \usage{ QProficiencyVars(names, levels) } \arguments{ \item{names}{List of variable names.} \item{levels}{List of state names, ordered from highest to lowest.} } \details{ Creates a \code{varDescription} for each name in \code{names}. The created variables have the role \sQuote{SM} and are ordered. } \value{ A list of \code{varDescription} objects of the same length as \code{names}. } \author{Russell Almond} \note{ The name is a bit of a misnomer as only the variable names from the Q-Matrix are used. The first argument can be genearted through a call to \code{QSkillNames}, but otherwise there is not connection the Q-Matrix data structure. } \seealso{\code{\link{varDescription}}, \code{\link{QSkillNames}} } \examples{ profnames <- c("ReadingWordMeaning", "ReadingSpecificInfo", "ReadingConnectInfo", "ReadingSynOrganize") statenames <- c("Advanced","Proficiency","Developing") prof1 <- QProficiencyVars(profnames, statenames) \dontshow{ stopifnot(length(prof1) == length(profnames), all(sapply(prof1,function(v) v$name) == profnames), all(sapply(prof1,function(v) length(v$levels)) == length(statenames)) ) } \dontrun{ readingQ <- read.Q(paste(library(help="SSX")$path, "testFiles","Q-Reading.csv", sep=.Platform$file.sep)) proficiencies <- QProficiencyVars(QSkillNames(readingQ), c("High","Medium","Low")) } } \keyword{manip}