\name{QExemplarTasks} \alias{QExemplarTasks} \title{Find example tasks for evidence model.} \description{ Creates a vector of task names corresponding to the unique evidence model names in \code{Qmat}. This provides the name of the first task which uses that evidence model. } \usage{ QExemplarTasks(Qmat) } \arguments{ \item{Qmat}{A data frame containing a Q-Matrix (see \code{\link{read.Q}}).} } \details{ Looks for the unique values of the field \code{Qmat$EvidenceModel}. Selects one value corresponding value of \code{Qmat$TaskName} for each one. } \value{ A character vector whose names correspond to unique values from \code{Qmat$EvidenceModel} and whose values correspond to selected values from \code{Qmat$TaskName}. } \author{Russell Almond} \note{ This function is not currently used and may go away. } \seealso{\code{\link{read.Q}}} \examples{ readingQ <- read.Q(paste(library(help="SSX")$path, "testFiles","Q-Reading.csv", sep=.Platform$file.sep)) sampleTasks <- QExemplarTasks(readingQ) \dontshow{ stopifnot(length(sampleTasks) == length(unique(readingQ$EvidenceModel))) } } \keyword{attribute}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS