neticaHypergraph <- function (model, netName=NetworkName(net), hypergraph = CreateNetwork(netName)) { if (model$type == "SM") { NetworkUserField(hypergraph,"StudentModelID") <- model$id } else { NetworkUserField(hypergraph,"LinkID") <- model$id } if (length (model$taskID) >0) { NetworkUserField(hypergraph, "TaskID") <- model$taskID } for (var in model$variables) { neticaAddVar(hypergraph,var) } for (dist in model$distributions) { neticaAddDist(hypergraph,dist) } if (model$type != "SM") { ## Remove the footprint to make the EM DeleteNodes(NetworkNodesInSet(hypergraph,"SM")) } hypergraph } neticaAddVar <- function(hypergraph, var) { levels <- var$levels lTitles <- NULL if (any(!is.IDname(levels))) { lTitles <- levels levels <- as.IDname(levels) if (any(duplicated(levels))) { stop("Non-unique level names") } } title <- NULL name <- var$name if (length(var$nodeName) >0) { title <- name name <- var$nodeName } if (!is.IDname(name)) { if (is.null(title)) { title <- name } name <- as.IDname(name) } node <- NewDiscreteNode(hypergraph,name,levels) if (!is.null(title)) NodeTitle(node) <- title if (!is.null(lTitles)) NodeStateTitles(node) <- lTitles NodeSets(node) <- as.vector(var$role) NodeUserField(node,"isOrdered") <- ifelse(var$isOrdered,"true","false") node } neticaAddDist <- function(hypergraph, dist) { if (length(dist$consequences) > 1) { stop("Netica does not support multiple child nodes.") } child <- NetworkFindNode(hypergraph,as.IDname(dist$consequences)) nparents <- length(dist$conditions) if (nparents >0) { parents <- NetworkFindNode(hypergraph,as.IDname(dist$conditions)) if (!is.list(parents)) parents <- list(parents) NodeParents(child) <- parents } NodeUserField(child,"distType") <- dist$type ## We need to convert all possible names from StatShop legal names ## to Netica legal names. table <- DistributionTable(dist) if (nparents>0) { ##Fix parent names names(table)[1:nparents] <- ParentNames(child) for (i in 1:nparents) { levels(table[[i]]) <- as.IDname(levels(table[[i]])) } } ## Fix output state names. names(table)[(nparents+1):length(table)] <- as.IDname(names(table)[(nparents+1):length(table)]) child[] <- table if (!is.null(dist$parameterSet)) { ## Just attach this as an XML blob, so we can get it back. NodeUserField(child,"parameterSet") <- toString(xmlParameterSet(dist$parameterSet)) } else if (!is.null(dist$parameterTable)) { ## Just attach this as an XML blob, so we can get it back; same ## strategy, although there is probably something smarter we can ## do with this in Netica. NodeUserField(child,"parameterTable") <- toString(xmlBuildTable(dist$parameterTable, dist$conditions, "ParameterTable")) } else { if (dist$type != "Fixed Distribution") { warning (paste("Distribution for ",dist$consequences, " has neither parameter set nor table.")) } } child } PortalStatShopMap <- data.frame( hasParameterTable=c(TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE), link=c(NA,NA,"calcDSFrame","calcDSFrame","calcDSFrame","calcDSFrame","calcDNFrame",NA), combination=c(NA,NA,"Compensatory","Disjunctive","Conjunctive","Inhibitor","Compensatory",NA), row.names=c("HyperDirichlet","Fixed","Compensatory","Disjunctive","Conjunctive","Inhibitor","Correlation","Fillin") ) DistributionTable <- function (dist, skillLevels, obsLevels) { table <- dist$table if (!is.null(table)) return (table) type <- strsplit(dist$type," ")[[1]][1] ## Fillin distributions have no table, so return null. if (type=="Fillin") return (NULL) if (PortalStatShopMap[type,"hasParameterTable"]) return (normalize(scaleTable(dist$parameterTable))) ##Okay, need to extract parameters params <- dist$parameterSet$value beta <-params["Task Difficulty"] lnAlphas <- params[grep("Relative Importance",names(params))] ## I'm really relying on position and not name here names(lnAlphas) <- sub("Relative Importance\\((.*)\\)","\\1", names(lnAlphas)) dinc <- params[grep("Level Difficulty Increment",names(params))] names(dinc) <- sub("Level Difficulty Increment\\(.*,(.*)\\)","\\1", names(dinc))[type,"link"], list(skillLevels,obsLevels,lnAlphas,beta,dinc, PortalStatShopMap[type,"combination"])) } AMDtoNetica <- function (amd,directory=".",motif=NULL) { for (name in names(amd$studentModels)) { sm <- neticaHypergraph(amd$studentModels[[name]], as.IDname(name)) if (name != as.IDname(name)) { NetworkTitle(sm) <- name } WriteNetworks(sm,paste(directory,.Platform$file.sep,name,".dne", sep="")) if (is.null(motif)) DeleteNetwork(sm) } for (name in names(amd$evidenceModels)) { em <- neticaHypergraph(amd$evidenceModels[[name]], as.IDname(name)) if (name != as.IDname(name)) { NetworkTitle(em) <- name } WriteNetworks(em,paste(directory,.Platform$file.sep,name,".dne", sep="")) if (is.null(motif)) { DeleteNetwork(em) } else { AdjoinNetwork(sm,em,name) } } for (name in names(amd$linkModels)) { lm <- neticaHypergraph(amd$linkModels[[name]], as.IDname(name)) if (name != as.IDname(name)) { NetworkTitle(lm) <- name } WriteNetworks(lm,paste(directory,.Platform$file.sep,name,".dne", sep="")) if (is.null(motif)) { DeleteNetwork(lm) } else { AdjoinNetwork(sm,lm,name) } } if (!is.null(motif)) { WriteNetworks(sm,paste(directory,.Platform$file.sep,motif,".dne", sep="")) } sm }