2013-05-07 Russell G. Almond * R/compareAmd.R ("numericPart", "scaleTable"): Moved to CPTtools * R/buildGM.R (rescaleTable, normalizeTable, getTableParents) (getTableStates): Moved to CPTtools * NAMESPACE: Added * R/invVar.R (buildRegressionTables): Moved to CPTtools * R/DSLikelihoods.R (Conjunctive): Moved to CPTtools * DESCRIPTION (Depends): Added dependency on CPTtools * R/DDmodels.R: Moved to CPTtools 2008-09-12 Russell Almond * R/xmlTools.R ("xmlDiscreteVariable"): Added as.vector to strip off names on variable attributes which were getting appended to the variable names. * R/buildGM.R (buildGMfromTables): Added as.vector to varDescription creation to avoid problems with labels on roles. 2008-09-11 Russell Almond * R/DSLikelihoods.R (Compensatory): Fixed spelling of Compensatory (calcDSFrame): Fixed problem when state names were strings containing intengers. (calcDNFrame): Same fix. * R/amd.R ("buildparameterVector"): Added new creation function (pv.beta): Added accessor function (pv.alphas): Added accessor function (pv.dinc): Added accessor function 2006-12-01 Russell Almond * R/xmlTools.R (xmlEvidenceModelSet): Changed to make EM name a variable argument. (xmlAMD): Fixed problem with name and entity ref of link models. 2006-11-30 Russell Almond * R/pretestDescription.R (QtoPD): Fixed a problem when ObsName is a factor instead of a string. 2006-11-29 Russell Almond * R/xmlTools.R (xmlStatistic): Added support. * R/amd.R ("Statistic"): Added scale and offset. ("buildStatsForVars"): Sam Ting. ("parseStatistic"): Added support. 2006-11-17 Russell Almond * R/pretestDescription.R ("read.cpd.csv"): Fixed a problem the handling of namespaces. 2006-11-10 Russell Almond * R/pretestDescription.R ("selectTasksByID"): Added function. * R/taskTools.R (splitTaskTree): Added function. (buildTaskTree): Added function. 2006-11-08 Russell Almond * R/pretestDescription.R ("read.cpd.csv"): Fixed an issue with pretest descriptions with no tasks. 2006-11-06 Russell Almond * R/pretestDescription.R ("StatisticToMeta"): Fixed error handling for unknown stat types. (buildDemographicMetaList): Added. ("amdToPD"): Fixed problem with results format. 2006-11-05 Russell Almond * R/amd.R ("parseGmModel"): fixed a bug in the handling of task IDs. 2006-11-02 Russell Almond * R/pretestDescription.R ("StatisticToMeta"): Added function. 2006-11-01 Russell Almond * R/xmlTools.R (xmlStatisticMeta): non-vacuous version of this function. * R/pretestDescription.R ("StatisticMeta"): Added new object. * R/XMLpatches.R (## .First.lib): Commented out a number of changes now incorporated into XML package. * DESCRIPTION (Depends): Fixes in XML pacakge to support SSX. 2006-10-13 Russell Almond * R/DSLikelihoods.R (calcDSFrame): Patched to deal with integer state names. (calcDNFrame): Same patch. * R/DDmodels.R (calcDDFrame): Patched to deal with integer state names. * R/xmlTools.R (demVariableType): Added new function to generate demographic variable descriptions. (xmlPretestDescription): Fixed a problem where factor names were getting converted to numeric values. 2006-10-12 Russell Almond * R/DDmodels.R (calcDDTable/calcDDFrame): Created. * R/amd.R ("amd"): Added names to link model objects. 2006-10-1 Russell Almond * R/DSLikelihoods.R: Brought over from StatShop. 2006-09-19 Russell Almond * DESCRIPTION (Depends): Split off from Asp 2006-09-18 Russell Almond * Global cleanup from CVS failure. 2005-06-21 Russell Almond * R/amd.R ("buildQMatrix"): Fixed problem when using with no polytomous items. 2005-06-08 Russell Almond * R/amd.R (getECDMetaID): Added as needed to get EM id from LM id. 2005-04-19 Russell Almond * R/amd.R ("parseAMD"): Added automatic directory change to paraseAMD. ("getLMParametersForAMD"): Did as much. ("getEMParametersForAMD"): Did as much. 2005-04-12 Russell Almond * R/amd.R ("buildVMatrix"): Added function ("buildQMatrix"): Fixed a bug in handling of Dinc params 2005-04-11 Russell Almond * R/amd.R: ("getParameterSetsFromGMFile"): Split off from getParameterSetsForModel ("parseTable"): Fixed a bug in table parsing. ("parseAMD"): Created function. ("amd"): Created class. ("gmModel"): Ordered Distributions 2005-02-10 Russell Almond * R/pretestDescription.R ("read.cpd.csv"): Added code for parsing CSV files using layout. 2005-02-01 Russell Almond * R/amd.R ("parseTableHeader"): Added parsing for distributions, fixed parsing for variables. Added gmModel, parseTable, parseTableHeader, parseGmModel 2005-01-20 Russell Almond * R/pretestDescription.R ("amdToPD"): Added "matchObs" argument to filter out one kind of observable. 2005-01-12 Russell Almond * R/pretestDescription.R: Moved omitCode789 and omitCodeStrings data sets back to here so that they will be loaded by default. 2005-01-05 Russell Almond * First port of Asp into an R style package from the previous loose collection of R code in the StatShop distribution.