/** * Edges.c --- This files contains functions for creating, * destroying, and modifying edges and conditional probability * tables. */ #include #include #include #include //#define DEBUG_SET_PARENTS 1 //#define DEBUG_ABSORB 1 SEXP RN_AddLink(SEXP parent, SEXP child) { node_bn* parent_handle = GetNodeHandle(parent); node_bn* child_handle = GetNodeHandle(child); if(parent_handle && child_handle) { return ScalarInteger(AddLink_bn(parent_handle,child_handle)); } else { if (parent_handle) { error("AddLink: Bad parent %s\n",NODE_NAME(parent)); } else { error("AddLink: Naughty child %s\n",NODE_NAME(child)); } return ScalarInteger(R_NaInt); } } SEXP RN_ReverseLink(SEXP parent, SEXP child) { node_bn* parent_handle = GetNodeHandle(parent); node_bn* child_handle = GetNodeHandle(child); if(parent_handle && child_handle) { ReverseLink_bn(parent_handle,child_handle); return R_NilValue; } else { if (parent_handle) { error("ReverseLink: Bad parent %s\n",NODE_NAME(parent)); } else { error("ReverseLink: Naughty child %s\n",NODE_NAME(child)); } return ScalarInteger(R_NaInt); } } //Unlike Netica version, we will go with the node object. SEXP RN_DeleteLink(SEXP parent, SEXP child) { node_bn* parent_handle = GetNodeHandle(parent); node_bn* child_handle = GetNodeHandle(child); if(parent_handle && child_handle) { int pn= IndexOfNodeInList_bn(parent_handle, GetNodeParents_bn(child_handle),0); if (pn < 0) { error("DeleteLink: %s and %s are not connected.\n", NODE_NAME(parent), NODE_NAME(child)); return ScalarInteger(R_NaInt); } else { DeleteLink_bn(pn,child_handle); return child; } } else { if (parent_handle) { error("DeleteLink: Bad parent %s\n",NODE_NAME(parent)); } else { error("DeleteLink: Naughty child %s\n",NODE_NAME(child)); } return ScalarInteger(R_NaInt); } } SEXP RN_GetNodeParents(SEXP node) { node_bn* node_handle = GetNodeHandle(node); const char* inputname; SEXP result, names, bn; if(node_handle) { PROTECT(bn = GET_FIELD(node,netfield)); PROTECT(result = RN_AS_RLIST(GetNodeParents_bn(node_handle),bn)); int n, nn=length(result); PROTECT(names = allocVector(STRSXP,nn)); for (n = 0 ; n nv) { //Delete Links from end, otherwise numbers will change. for (n=np; --n >= nv; ) { #ifdef DEBUG_SET_PARENTS Rprintf("Switching deleting parent %d\n",n); #endif DeleteLink_bn(n,node_handle); } } //If necessary, add additional nodes if (nv > np) { for (n=np; n < nv; n++) { parent = VECTOR_ELT(value,n); if (isNull(parent)) { error("NodeParents: Padding with null values not allowed."); return(R_NilValue); } else { newpar = GetNodeHandle(parent); if (!newpar) { error("NodeParents: Bad parent %s.\n", NODE_NAME(node)); return(node); } } #ifdef DEBUG_SET_PARENTS Rprintf("Adding parent %d\n",n); #endif AddLink_bn(newpar,node_handle); } } } else { error ("NodeParents: Naughty Child %s.\n", NODE_NAME(node)); } return(node); } //FIXME SEXP RN_AbsorbNodes(SEXP nodelist) { #ifdef DEBUG_ABSORB Rprintf("Creating node list.\n"); #endif nodelist_bn* deleteme = RN_AS_NODELIST(nodelist,NULL); int kk=LengthNodeList_bn(deleteme); #ifdef DEBUG_ABSORB Rprintf("Absorbing %d nodes.\n",kk); #endif node_bn* node0 = NthNode_bn(deleteme,0); #ifdef DEBUG_ABSORB Rprintf("First node address %x.\n",(long) node0); #endif const char *nodename; nodename = GetNodeName_bn(node0); #ifdef DEBUG_ABSORB Rprintf("Its name is %s.\n",nodename); #endif if (deleteme) { AbsorbNodes_bn(deleteme); #ifdef DEBUG_ABSORB Rprintf("Absorbed.\n"); #endif //RN_Free_Nodelist(nodelist); //Free handles } else { error("AbsorbNodes: Could not find affected network.\n"); } return R_NilValue; } SEXP RN_IsNodeRelated(SEXP n1, SEXP relation, SEXP n2) { node_bn* n1_handle = GetNodeHandle(n1); node_bn* n2_handle = GetNodeHandle(n2); const char* rel = CHAR(STRING_ELT(relation,0)); if(n1_handle && n2_handle) { return ScalarLogical(IsNodeRelated_bn(n1_handle,rel,n2_handle)); } else { if (n1_handle) { error("IsNodeRelated: Bad node %s\n",NODE_NAME(n1)); } else { error("IsNodeRelated: Naughty node %s\n",NODE_NAME(n2)); } return ScalarInteger(R_NaInt); } } //Only bothering with the Mult version. SEXP RN_GetRelatedNodes(SEXP nodelist, SEXP relation) { const char* rel = CHAR(STRING_ELT(relation,0)); const nodelist_bn* nodes; nodelist_bn* related; net_bn *net_handle=NULL; SEXP bn, result; if (length(nodelist)) { node_bn *node1 = GetNodeHandle(VECTOR_ELT(nodelist,0)); if (node1) { net_handle = GetNodeNet_bn(node1); PROTECT(bn = GET_FIELD(VECTOR_ELT(nodelist,0),netfield)); } else { error("as.nodelist: Can't find source network.\n"); return R_NilValue; } } else { error("as.nodelist: Can't find source network.\n"); } nodes = RN_AS_NODELIST(nodelist,net_handle); related = NewNodeList2_bn(0,net_handle); GetRelatedNodesMult_bn(related,rel,nodes); PROTECT(result=RN_AS_RLIST(related,bn)); DeleteNodeList_bn(related); UNPROTECT(2); return result; } SEXP RN_GetNodeInputNames(SEXP nd) { R_len_t n, nn; const char *value; node_bn* node_handle; SEXP result; node_handle = GetNodeHandle(nd); if (!node_handle) { error("Could not find node %s.",NODE_NAME(nd)); PROTECT(result=allocVector(STRSXP,1)); SET_STRING_ELT(result,0,NA_STRING); } else { //Count number of fields. nn = LengthNodeList_bn(GetNodeParents_bn(node_handle)); PROTECT(result = allocVector(STRSXP,nn)); for (n=0; n < nn; n++) { value = GetNodeInputName_bn(node_handle, n); SET_STRING_ELT(result,n,mkChar(value)); } } UNPROTECT(1); return(result); } SEXP RN_SetNodeInputNames(SEXP nd, SEXP newvals) { R_len_t n, nn = length(newvals); const char *value; node_bn* node_handle; node_handle = GetNodeHandle(nd); if (node_handle) { for (n=0; n < nn; n++) { value = CHAR(STRING_ELT(newvals,n)); if (strlen(value)==0) value = NULL; //Netica wants NULL not "" SetNodeInputName_bn(node_handle, n, value); } } else { warning("Could not find node %s.",NODE_NAME(nd)); } return(nd); } // Need this for the next function extern void SetNodePtr (SEXP nodeobj, node_bn* node_ptr); //This is a special node that forces all of the other variables into a //clique. Loosely patterned off the NeticaEx function FormCliqueWith SEXP RN_MakeCliqueNode(SEXP nodelist, SEXP net) { net_bn* nt; node_bn *node_handle, *new_node; int i, num_nodes=length(nodelist); SEXP cliquenode; node_handle = GetNodeHandle(VECTOR_ELT(nodelist,0)); if (!node_handle) { error("Could not find node %s.", NODE_NAME(VECTOR_ELT(nodelist,0))); return(R_NilValue); } nt = GetNetworkPtr(net); new_node = NewNode_bn("CliqueNode*",1,nt); for (i=0; i< num_nodes; i++) { AddLink_bn(GetNodeHandle(VECTOR_ELT(nodelist,i)),new_node); } //As Clique node is a subclass of NeticaNode, need a special //constructor. SEXP sname, callme; PROTECT(sname= allocVector(STRSXP,1)); SET_STRING_ELT(sname,0,mkChar(GetNodeName_bn(new_node))); PROTECT(callme=lang5(cliquenodeconstructor,sname,net,TRUEV,nodelist)); SET_TAG(CDR(callme),namefield); SET_TAG(CDDR(callme),netfield); SET_TAG(CDDDR(callme),nodediscatt); SET_TAG(CDR(CDDDR(callme)),cliqueatt); PROTECT(cliquenode = eval(callme,R_GlobalEnv)); SetNodePtr(cliquenode,new_node); RN_RegisterNode(net,GetNodeName_bn(new_node),cliquenode); UNPROTECT(3); return (cliquenode); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Probabilities ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Expose this Netica constant to R. SEXP RN_GetEveryState() { // We will later subtract 1 from this, so add 1 here. return ScalarInteger(EVERY_STATE+1); } state_bn *RN_AS_STATE_BN(SEXP states) { R_len_t n, nn=length(states); if (!nn) return NULL; state_bn *result = (state_bn *) R_alloc(nn,sizeof(state_bn)); PROTECT(states = AS_INTEGER(states)); for (n=0; n