\name{JunctionTreeReport} \alias{JunctionTreeReport} \alias{NetworkCompiledSize} \title{ Produces a report about the junction tree from a compiled Netica network. } \description{ The process of compilation transforms the network into a junction tree -- a tree of cliques in the original graph -- that is more convenient computationally. The function \code{JunctionTreeReport(\var{net})} produces a report on the junction tree. The function \code{NetworkCompiledSize(\var{net})} reports on the size of the compiled network. The network must be compiled (\code{\link{CompileNetwork}(\var{net})} must be called) before these functions are called. } \usage{ JunctionTreeReport(net) NetworkCompiledSize(net) } \arguments{ \item{net}{ An active and compiled \code{\linkS4class{NeticaBN}} object. } } \value{ For \code{JunctionTreeReport()} a character vector giving the report, one element per line. For \code{NetworkCompiledSize()} a scalar value giving the size of the network. } \references{ \newcommand{\nref}{\href{http://norsys.com/onLineAPIManual/functions/#1.html}{#1()}} \url{http://norsys.com/onLineAPIManual/index.html}: \nref{ReportJunctionTree_bn}, \nref{SizeCompiledNet_bn} } \author{ Russell Almond } \note{ Currently, no attempt is made to parse the report, which has a fairly well structured format. Future versions may produce a report object instead. } \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{NeticaBN}}, \code{\link{CompileNetwork}()}, \code{\link{EliminationOrder}()}, } \examples{ sess <- NeticaSession() startSession(sess) EMSMMotif <- ReadNetworks(file.path(library(help="RNetica")$path, "sampleNets","EMSMMotif.dne"), session=sess) CompileNetwork(EMSMMotif) JunctionTreeReport(EMSMMotif) NetworkCompiledSize(EMSMMotif) DeleteNetwork(EMSMMotif) stopSession(sess) } \keyword{ interface } \keyword{ misc }