\name{CPF} \alias{CPF} \alias{as.CPF} \alias{is.CPF} \title{ Representation of a conditional probability table as a data frame. } \description{ A conditional probability table for a node can be represented as a data frame with a number of factor variables representing the parent variables and the remaining numeric values representing the conditional probabilities of the states of the nodes given the parent configuration. Each row represents one configuration and the corresponding conditional probabilities. A \code{CPF} is a special \code{\link[base]{data.frame}} object which represents a conditional probability table. } \usage{ is.CPF(x) as.CPF(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ Object to be tested or coerced into a \code{CPF}. } } \details{ One way to store a conditional probability table is a table in which the first several columns indicate the states of the parent variables, and the last several columns indicate probabilities for several child variables. Consider the following example: \tabular{rllrrrr}{ \tab A \tab B \tab C.c1 \tab C.c2 \tab C.c3 \tab C.c4 \cr [1,] \tab a1 \tab b1 \tab 0.03 \tab 0.17 \tab 0.33 \tab 0.47 \cr [2,] \tab a2 \tab b1 \tab 0.05 \tab 0.18 \tab 0.32 \tab 0.45 \cr [3,] \tab a1 \tab b2 \tab 0.06 \tab 0.19 \tab 0.31 \tab 0.44 \cr [4,] \tab a2 \tab b2 \tab 0.08 \tab 0.19 \tab 0.31 \tab 0.42 \cr [5,] \tab a1 \tab b3 \tab 0.09 \tab 0.20 \tab 0.30 \tab 0.41 \cr [6,] \tab a2 \tab b3 \tab 0.10 \tab 0.20 \tab 0.30 \tab 0.40 \cr } In this case the first two columns correspond to parent variables \eqn{A} and \eqn{B}. The variable \eqn{A} has two possible states and the variable \eqn{B} has three. The child variable is \eqn{C} and it has for possible states. The numbers in each row give the conditional probabilities for those states give the state of the child variables. The class \code{CPF} is a subclass of \code{\link[base]{data.frame}} (formally, it is class \code{c("CPF","data.frame")}). Although the intended interpretation is that of a conditional probability table, the normalization constraint is not enforced. Thus a \code{CPF} object could be used to store likelihoods, probability potentials, contingency table counts, or other similarly shaped objects. The function \code{normalize} scales the numeric values of \code{CPF} so that each row is normalized. The \code{[} method for a \code{\linkS4class{NeticaNode}} %] returns a \code{CPF} (if the node is not deterministic). The function \code{as.CPF()} is designed to convert between \code{\link{CPA}}s (that is, conditional probability tables stored as arrays) and \code{CPF}s. In particular, \code{as.CPF} is designed to work with the output of \code{NodeProbs()} or a similarly formatted array. It assumes that \code{names(dimnames(x))} are the names of the variables, and \code{dimnames(x)} is a list of character vectors giving the names of the states of the variables. (See \code{\link{CPA}} for details.) This general method should work with any numeric array for which both \code{dimnames(x)} and \code{names(dimnames(x))} are specified. The argument \code{x} of \code{as.CPF()} could also be a data frame, in which case it is permuted so that the factor variable are first and the class tag \code{"CDF"} is added to its class. } \value{ The function \code{is.CPF()} returns a logical value indicating whether or not the \code{is(x,"CDF")} is true. The function \code{as.CPF} returns an object of class \code{c("CPF","data.frame")}, which is essentially a data frame with the first couple of columns representing the parent variables, and the remaining columns representing the states of the child variable. } \author{ Russell Almond } \note{ The parent variable list is created with a call \code{\link[base]{expand.grid}(dimnames(x)[1:(p-1)])}. This produces conditional probability tables where the first parent variable varies fastest. The Netica GUI displays tables in which the last parent variable varies fastest. Note, this is an S3 class, as it is basically a data.frame with special structure. } \seealso{ \code{\link{NodeProbs}()}, \code{\link{Extract.NeticaNode}}, \code{\link{CPA}}, \code{\link{normalize}()} } \examples{ arf <- data.frame(A=rep(c("a1","a2"),each=3), B=rep(c("b1","b2","b3"),2), C.c1=1:6, C.c2=7:12, C.c3=13:18, C.c4=19:24) arf <- as.CPF(arf) stopifnot(is.CPF(arf)) arr <- array(1:24,c(2,3,4), dimnames=list(A=c("a1","a2"),B=c("b1","b2","b3"), C=c("c1","c2","c3","c4"))) arrf <- as.CPF(arr) stopifnot( is.CPF(arrf), all(levels(arrf$A)==c("a1","a2")), all(levels(arrf$B)==c("b1","b2","b3")), nrow(arrf)==6, ncol(arrf)==6 ) ##Warning, this is not the same as arf, rows are permuted. as.CPF(as.CPA(arf)) \dontrun{ as.CPF(NodeProbs(node)) } } \keyword{ array } \keyword{ classes }