## Functions to call when the package is loaded. ## Variable which stores the Netica License string (if you have one). LicenseKey <- NULL ##These functions start and stop the Netica API Environment. StartNetica <- function(license=LicenseKey, checking=NULL, maxmem=NULL) { invisible(.C("RN_start_Netica",as.character(LicenseKey), as.character(checking),as.double(maxmem), PACKAGE="RNetica")) } StopNetica <- function() { invisible(.C("RN_stop_Netica",PACKAGE="RNetica")) } .onLoad = function(libname, pkgname) { library.dynam("RNetica", pkgname, libname) } ## Give it starter value so it can be found EVERY_STATE <- -Inf .onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) { if(exists("NeticaLicenseKey",mode="character")) { assignInNamespace("LicenseKey", NeticaLicenseKey, "RNetica") #cat("License Key Installed.") } StartNetica() ## Deep voodoo needed to get around R safeguards assignInNamespace("EVERY_STATE",.Call("RN_GetEveryState",PACKAGE="RNetica"),"RNetica") } .Last.lib <- function(libpath) { StopNetica() } .onUnload <- function(libpath) { library.dynam.unload("RNetica", libpath) }