FALSE-node bug (Netica Node object is replaced with FALSE). Nasty bug where RReference gets overwritten in network. Not sure where this is coming from, as they should be preserved. Nodelist <- NetworkNodesInSet(LevelMotif,"EMVars") NodeName(Nodelist$LeverTrohies) <- "LeverTrophies" The corresponding element of the list is now FALSE and NetworkFindNode(LevelMotif,"LeverTrophies") returns FALSE. I'm having trouble reproducing this with a small example. Maybe some interaction with the garbage collector? I've added a check for bad object caches in the Net/Node/UserData field, now check to make sure the returned object is of the right class, and if not recreates it. I wish I could more reliably reproduce the bugs so I can see if this fixed the problem. R stack error in BN_SetNodeProbs when passed a matrix of NA's as probability table. Parse the junction tree report Functions for ## ReorderNodeStates, RemoveNodeState, These seem to be redundant with current definition of NodeStates<- Equations ##export ( ## GetNodeEquation, SetNodeEquation ## EquationToTable ## CalcNodeState, CalcNodeValue, ## ) Learning from Data ## NodeExperience, "NodeExperience<-", ## ReviseCPTsByFindings, FadeCPT ## ReviseCPTsByFindings_bn, ReviseCPTsByCaseFile_bn ## NewLearner_bn, DeleteLearner_bn, LearnCPTs_bn ## SetLearnerMaxIters_bn, SetLearnerMaxTol_bn, SetLearnerRandomGen_bn Casefile support ## WriteNetFindings, ReadNetFindings ## WriteNetFindings_bn, ReadNetFindings2_bn ## SetCaseFileDelimChar_ns, SetMissingDataChar_ns ## NewCaseset_cs, DeleteCaseset_cs, WriteCaseset_ns ## TestWithCaseset_bn, GenerateRandomCase_bn Continuous Node support Decision Net support ## GetNodeValueEntered, EnterNodeValue, EnterGaussianFinding, ## EnterIntervalFinding, ## GetNodeExpectedValue, GetNodeExpectedUtils, Database Connectivity ## NewDBManager_cs, DeleteDBManager_cs ## InsertFindingsIntoDB_bn, AddDBCasesToCaseset_cs ## ExcecuteDBSql_cs, AddNodesFromDB_bn Sensitivity ## export( ## GetMutualInfo, NewSensvToFinding, DeleteSensvToFinding ## GetVarianceOfReal, ## ) Testing ## NewNetTester_bn, DeleteNetTester_bn, TestWithCaseset_bn ## GetTestConfusion_bn, GetTestErrorRate_bn, GetTestLogLoss_bn ## GetTestQuadradicLoss_bn Random Generation ## NewRandomGenerator_ns, DeleteRandomGenerator_ns ## GenerateRandomeNumbers_ns, GetRandomGenState_ns ## SetNetRandomGen_bn DBNs ## ExpandNet_bn, SetNodeInputDelay_bn, SetNodePersistance_bn # NetworkUndo, NetworkRedo # These don't do anything sensible. Ask Brent: 1. NodeLikelihood and MPE and FindingsProbability 2. IsNetCompiled function? 3. GetNodesets for Node, Nodes in NodeSet? 4. CopyNodes does not copy NodeSet information? 5. EnterLikelihoodFindingClique 6. NetworkUndo, Redo