These are some notes on the internals of RNetica which hopefully will be of use to anybody trying to write extensions. 1. R handles for Netica objects. The key netica functions return pointers for two kinds of Netica objects: nets (net_bn) and nodes (node_bn). Both nets and nodes support a UserData field which is a (void *) pointer. The basic idea of the system is that when a netica net or node is created, a corresponding R object (class NeticaBN or NeticaNode) is created and installed in the User Data slot. The R object has a pointer to the node installed in one of its attributes (using R_ExternalPtrAddr()) and the Netica has the R object installed in its UserData field (SEXPs are pointers, so this is straightforward). The function tests for a null pointer, which indicates that the corresponding Netica object is not present. NeticaNode and NeticaBN objects are preserved (R_PreserveObject) when created and released (R_ReleaseObject) when the corresponding Netica object is deleted. Generally speaking these objects don't need to be protected (as the are already on the precious list). The equal functions for NeticaBN and NeticaNode objects tests the pointers (if the object is active) and only returns true if the pointers are the same. Internally, both NeticaBN and NeticaNode objects are created by taking the name of the net or node, attaching the class, the handle to the Netica object, and other class specific data. This means that as.character(net) or as.character(node) will usually return the name of the net or node. When nodes and nets are renamed, RNetica returns a modified NeticaNode or NeticaBN object that is based around the new name. However, due to R's copy on modify policy, R insists on copying rather than modifying the handle, so stale copies of the objects could exist for which as.character(node) != NodeName(node). This can be fixed with NodeName(node) <- NodeName(node) (and similar for networks). Note tht when Netica is unloaded (or R is shut down) all pointers will become Null and need to be reestablished. 1a. Networks In addition to the other attributes, NeticaBN objects have a "Filename" attribute, which stores the pathname of the file most recently used to read/write the network. This exists in the R object and is maintained separately from the pathname stored in the Netica object. The purpose is to facilitate restoring the handle to the network when R is restarted. In particular, net <- ReadNetworks(net) should reload the network and restore the pointer (at least that instance of it). The following macros are useful manipulating the relationship between NeticaBN and net_bn objects. SetNet_RRef(n,r) Sets NeticaBN SEXP for net_bn* GetNet_RRef(n) Returns NeticaBN SEXP for net_bn* GetNeticaHandle(b) Returns net_bn* for NeticaBN SEXP BN_NAME(b) Returns cached name of NeticaBN object (primarily used in reporting errors). 1b. Netica Nodes The Netica API seems to make a big distinction between discrete and continuous nodes: I can't seem to find an API function which will change the type of the node. The "node_discrete" attribute is used to cache information about the node type, so that we don't need to call into C code to find that out. The protocol for creation of NeticaNode objects is a little bit different. RNetica normally creates a NeticaNode object when the node is referenced in a function call. However, when a network is read from a file, RNetica does not create NeticaNode objects until a link to that node is created, say via a call to NetworkFindNode() or NetworkAllNodes(). The function MakeNode_RRef() does the actual work of creating the object and the function GetNode_RRef() creates the NeticaNode object if necessary. The function RN_FreeNode() and RN_FreeNodes() are used to clear the NeticaNode object associated with a node_bn*. The latter function is called by RN_DeleteNetworks() to free the NeticaNodes associated with the network. The following macros are useful manipulating the relationship between NeticaBN and net_bn objects. SetNode_RRef(n,r) Sets NeticaNode SEXP for node_bn* GetNode_RRef(n) Returns NeticaNode SEXP for node_bn* FastGetNode_RRef(n) Returns NeticaNode SEXP for node_bn*, or NULL if it has not been created. GetNodeHandle(b) Returns node_bn* for NeticaBN SEXP NODE_NAME(b) Returns cached name of NeticaNODE object (primarily used in reporting errors). 2. The Netica Environment RNetica creates a global variable RN_netica_env which stashes the global environment. This variable is set by StartNetica() and cleared by StopNetica(). I don't see vary many use cases where you need more than one (and many of those can be handled with multiple R sessions). 3. API references and License Keys This is primarily still a TODO. Right now the path to the Netica API headers and .a file is hard coded into the configuration files. There is a command line switch in the autoconf, but I haven't tested it. It would be kool if RNetica downloaded the latest Netica API at compile time (if the switch was not set). I will probably need to ask Brent Borlange to set up a special link so I can always get the most recent API, without needing to update the package every time Norsys releases a new version. License keys are obtained from Norsys. Currently, they are passed as an argument into StartNetica(), and there is some untested code for getting them from a special variable in the R workspace. An alternative approach would be to install the key at compile time. TODO: Look at the R license mechanism to make sure everybody is clear on the RNetica vs Netica license as we are on the properitary/open source line. 4. Error Handling The most obvious way to handle errors seems to be to simply report all the errors and then clear them. I've created two simple functions ReportErrors() and ClearAllErrors() which do that. Actually, the reporting function clears the errors, so there is no need to do anything else. In the current design, the error handling does not take place in the main .Call(), but rather the calling R function calls ReportErrors() and tests its return values to see if there were serious errors or not. It is possible that more sophisticated error mechanisms are possible, but I haven't seen the need. 5. Node Lists and Node Sets Node lists are collections of nodes used for various purposes. There is no need for a special object on the R side, as existing lists work perfectly. The one catch is that all nodes in a node list must be from the same network. Failing this criteria will likely generate an error deep inside the RNetica C code. The following C functions may be useful: extern SEXP RN_AS_RLIST(const nodelist_bn* nodelist); Converts a nodelist_bn* to a R vector extern nodelist_bn* RN_AS_NODELIST(SEXP nodes, net_bn* net); Converts a R vector to a nodelist_bn*. It is an error if not all nodes are associated with net. Netica also defines Node Sets, which are distinct from Node lists, but the only function that uses them is SetNodeSetColor_bn(). I'm not implementing them at this time. 6. Registration The Registration of C functions is done in the file Registration.c 7. Cached Symbols The functions RN_Define_Symbols() and RN_FreeSymbols() are used to define a certain number of R constants that can be used over and over again (for example, the attributes used for storing handles, and the class names for NeticaBN and NeticaNode classes. The objects are preserved using R_PreserveObject() and R_ReleaseObject(), so don't need to be protected. These functions are called by StartNetica() and StopNetica() respectively. Further questions: Email telling me how clever I am can be sent to Questions can be sent to the same place, but not guarentees on the response time. Complaints can be sent to /dev/null.