\name{is.NodeRelated} \alias{is.NodeRelated} \alias{GetRelatedNodes} \title{ Computes topological proprieties of a \code{Netica} network. } \description{ The function \code{is.NodeRelated()} tests to see if \code{relation} holds between \code{node1} and \code{node2}. The function \code{GetRelatedNodes} creates a list of all nodes that satisfy the \code{relation} with any node in \code{nodelist}. } \usage{ is.NodeRelated(node1, node2, relation = "connected") GetRelatedNodes(nodelist, relation = "connected") } \arguments{ \item{node1}{ An active \code{\link{NeticaNode}} whose relationship will be tested. } \item{node2}{ Another active \code{\link{NeticaNode}} whose relationship will be tested. } \item{relation}{ A character scalar which should be one of the values: "parents", "children", "ancestors", "descendents" [sic], "connected", "markov_blanket", or "d_connected". Singular forms and modifiers are also allowed, see details. } \item{nodelist}{ A list of active \code{\link{NeticaNode}} whose relationship will be tested. } } \details{ These functions are useful for testing the topology of a network. Each of the functions offers a measure related to the network. The \code{is.NodeRelated()} form tests the relationship between \code{node1} and \code{node2}. The function \code{GetRelatedNodes()} returns a list of any nodes for which the relationship holds with any of the elements of \code{nodelist}. The plural and singular forms of the relationships can be used with both functions. \code{"parent"}, \code{"parents"}. True if \code{node1} is a parent of \code{node2}, or returns a list of parents of the nodes in \code{nodelist}. \code{"ancestor"}, \code{"ancestors"}. True if there is a directed (parent to child) path from \code{node1} to \code{node2}, or returns a list of ancestors of the nodes in \code{nodelist}. \code{"child"}, \code{"children"}. True if \code{node1} is a child of \code{node2}, or returns a list of children of the nodes in \code{nodelist}. \code{"descendent"}, \code{"descedents"} [This is the spelling used by Netica]. True if there is a directed (parent to child) path from \code{node2} to \code{node1}, or returns a list of descedants of the nodes in \code{nodelist}. \code{"connected"}. True if there is a chain (unordered path) from \code{node1} to \code{node2}, or returns a list of all nodes connected to any of the nodes in \code{nodelist}. \code{"markov_blanket"}. The Markov blanket of \code{nodeset} is the a set of nodes that renders the nodes in \code{nodeset} conditionally independent of the remaining nodes given the ones in the blanket. The simple form returns true if \code{node2} is in the Markov blanket of \code{node1}. \code{"d_connected"}. The rules for d-connection are somewhat complex (see Pearl, 1988), but basically \code{node1} and \code{node2} are d-connected if they are not independent given the current findings. The function returns true if \code{node1} and \code{node2} are d-connected or a list of all nodes that are d-connected to the nodes in \code{nodelist}. In addition, the relation can be modified in the \code{GetRelatedNodes()} form by adding one or more modifiers to the main relation separated by commas. The two that are useful in RNetica are: \code{"include_evidence_nodes"}. For the \code{"markov_boundary"} and \code{"d_connected"} relations indicates whether nodes with findings should be included in the result (they would normally not be included in the result). \code{"exclude_self"}. For the \code{"ancestors"}, \code{"descendents"}, \code{"connected"}, and \code{"d_connected"} relations, the elements of \code{nodelist} are not initially added to the result. } \value{ For \code{is.NodeRelated()} \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}, or \code{NA} if one of the input nodes was not active. For \code{GetNodeRelated()} a list of \code{NeticaNode} objects which have the target relationship with one of the nodes in \code{nodelist}. There may be duplicates in this list. } \references{ \newcommand{\nref}{\href{http://norsys.com/onLineAPIManual/functions/#1.html}{#1()}} \url{http://norsys.com/onLineAPIManual/index.html}: \nref{IsNodeRelated_bn}, \nref{GetRelatedNodes_bn}, \nref{GetRelatedNodesMult_bn} Pearl, J. (1988). \emph{Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems.} Morgan--Kaufmann. } \author{ Russell Almond } \note{ \code{GetRelatedNodes()} uses \code{GetRelatedNodesMult_bn()}, not \code{GetRelatedNode_bn()}, but that should not present any serious issues. Also, it always passes an empty list for the \code{related_nodes} arguments. Consequently, the \code{"append"}, \code{"union"}, \code{"intersection"}, and \code{"subtract"} options don't make much sense. This is only a minor limitation as R provides similar functions. } \seealso{ \code{\link{NeticaNode}}, \code{\link{NodeParents}()}, \code{\link{NodeChildren}()}, \code{\link{AddLink}()} } \examples{ testnet <- CreateNetwork("ABCDEFG") ### A D ### \ / \ ### C F - G ### / \ / ### B E A <- NewDiscreteNode(testnet,"A") B <- NewDiscreteNode(testnet,"B") C <- NewDiscreteNode(testnet,"C") D <- NewDiscreteNode(testnet,"D") E <- NewDiscreteNode(testnet,"E") F <- NewDiscreteNode(testnet,"F") G <- NewDiscreteNode(testnet,"G") AddLink(A,C) AddLink(B,C) AddLink(C,D) AddLink(C,E) AddLink(D,F) AddLink(E,F) AddLink(F,G) stopifnot( is.NodeRelated(A,C,"parent"), is.NodeRelated(D,C,"child"), is.NodeRelated(C,G,"ancestor"), is.NodeRelated(E,C,"descendent"), is.NodeRelated(A,B), ## Same as connected is.NodeRelated(D,E,"markov_blanket"), !is.NodeRelated(A,B,"d_connected"), ## No common ancestor is.NodeRelated(D,E,"d_connected") ## Common ancestor ) stopifnot( setequal(GetRelatedNodes(F,"parents"),list(D,E)), setequal(GetRelatedNodes(C,"children"),list(D,E)), setequal(GetRelatedNodes(D,"descendents"),list(D,F,G)), setequal(GetRelatedNodes(E,"ancestors"),list(E,C,A,B)), setequal(GetRelatedNodes(E,"ancestors,exclude_self"), GetRelatedNodes(D,"ancestors,exclude_self")), setequal(GetRelatedNodes(A),list(A,B,C,D,E,F,G)), ##All nodes connected setequal(GetRelatedNodes(D,"markov_blanket"),list(C,E,F)), setequal(GetRelatedNodes(A,"d_connected"),list(A,C,D,E,F,G)) ) DeleteNetwork(testnet) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{ interface } \keyword{ graphs } \keyword{ logic }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line