\name{NetworkNodeSets} \alias{NetworkNodeSets} \title{ Returns a list of node sets associated with a Netica network. } \description{ A node set is a character label associated with a node which provides information about its role in the models. This function returns the complete list of node sets associated with any node in the network. } \usage{ NetworkNodeSets(net, incSystem = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{net}{ An active \code{\link{NeticaBN}} object representing the network. } \item{incSystem}{ A logical flag. If \code{TRUE} then built-in Netica node sets are returned as well as the user defined ones. } } \details{ Netica node sets are a collection of string labels that can be associated with various nodes in a network using the function \code{\link{NodeSets}()}. Node sets do not have any meaning to Netica: node set membership only affect the way the node is displayed (see \code{\link{NetworkNodeSetColor}()}). One purpose of node sets is to label a set of nodes that play a similar role in the model. For example, \code{"ReportingVariable"} or \code{"Observable"}. The expression \code{NetworkNodeSets(node)} returns the node sets that are currently associated with any \code{node}. If \code{incSystem=TRUE}, then the internal Netica system node sets will be included as well. These begin with a colon (\sQuote{:}). This value cannot be set directly, only indirectly through the use of \code{NodeSets}. } \value{ A character vector giving the node sets used by the network. } \references{ \newcommand{\nref}{\href{http://norsys.com/onLineAPIManual/functions/#1.html}{#1()}} \url{http://norsys.com/onLurl/Manual/index.html}: \nref{GetAllNodesets_bn} } \author{ Russell Almond } \note{ Node sets cannot be destroyed, only created. An empty node set has no effect. } \seealso{ \code{\link{NeticaNode}}, \code{\link{NodeSets}()}, \code{\link{NetworkSetPriority}()}, \code{\link{NetworkNodesInSet}()}, \code{\link{NetworkNodeSetColor}()} } \examples{ nsnet <- CreateNetwork("NodeSetExample") Ability <- NewContinuousNode(nsnet,"Ability") EssayScore <- NewDiscreteNode(nsnet,"EssayScore",paste("level",5:0,sep="_")) Value <- NewContinuousNode(nsnet,"Value") NodeKind(Value) <- "Utility" Placement <- NewDiscreteNode(nsnet,"Placement", c("Advanced","Regular","Remedial")) NodeKind(Placement) <- "Decision" stopifnot( length(NetworkNodeSets(nsnet)) == 0, ## Nothing set yet length(NetworkNodeSets(nsnet,TRUE)) == 22 ## Number of system states ) NodeSets(Ability) <- "ReportingVariable" stopifnot( NetworkNodeSets(nsnet) == "ReportingVariable" ) NodeSets(EssayScore) <- "Observable" stopifnot( setequal(NetworkNodeSets(nsnet),c("Observable","ReportingVariable")) ) ## Changing spelling of name adds new set, doesn't delete the old one. NodeSets(EssayScore) <- "Observables" stopifnot( setequal(NetworkNodeSets(nsnet), c("Observables", "Observable","ReportingVariable")) ) ## Nor does deletion NodeSets(Ability) <- character() stopifnot( setequal(NetworkNodeSets(nsnet), c("Observables", "Observable","ReportingVariable")) ) DeleteNetwork(nsnet) } \keyword{ attributes } \keyword{ interface }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line