\name{FadeCPT} \alias{FadeCPT} \title{Fades a Netica Conditional Probability Table} \description{ This function fades a Netica conditional probability table associated with a node (that is, it makes it closer to uniform). This is used when learning conditional probabilities over time, so that newer observations will have more weight than older ones. } \usage{ FadeCPT(node, degree = 0.2) } \arguments{ \item{node}{ A \code{\link{NeticaNode}} object. } \item{degree}{ A scalar value between 0 and 1 providing the amount of fading to be done. A degree of 1 produces a uniform distribution and a degree of 0 leaves the CPT unchanged. } } \details{ This is essentially an exponential filter, with \code{1-degree} as the retained weight. Calling it once with degree of \eqn{1-d} and again with degree \eqn{1-f} is equivalent to calling it once with degree \eqn{1-df}. If \code{prob} are the current probabilities associated with a row of the CPT, and \code{expr} is the current experience, then the new probabilities will be \code{newprob = normalize(prob* exper * (1-degree) + degree)}, and the new experience will be the normalization constant. This function is often used together with \code{\link{LearnFindings}} to down weight old cases when the conditional probabilities are thought to be changing slowly over time. } \value{ This function returns the node object. } \references{ \newcommand{\nref}{\href{http://norsys.com/onLineAPIManual/functions/#1.html}{#1()}} \url{http://norsys.com/onLineAPIManual/index.html}: \nref{FadeCPTable_bn} } \author{Russell Almond} \note{ Frequently the degree is made time dependent. If \code{dt} is the time elapsed since the last observation, the degree is frequently an expression like \code{1-expt(R,dt)}, where \code{R} is a constant less than 1 which controls how quickly the CPT is faded. } \seealso{ \code{\link{NodeExperience}}, \code{\link{NodeProbs}}, \code{\link{LearnFindings}} } \examples{ aaa <- CreateNetwork("AAA") A <- NewDiscreteNode(aaa,paste("A",1:5,sep=""),c("true","false")) for( i in 1:length(A)) { NodeProbs(A[[i]]) <- c(.8,.2) NodeExperience(A[[i]]) <- 10 } deg <- .2 expected <- NodeProbs(A[[1]])*10*(1-deg)+deg FadeCPT(A[[1]], deg) stopifnot( sum(abs(NodeProbs(A[[1]])-expected/sum(expected))) < .0001, abs(NodeExperience(A[[1]])-sum(expected)) < .001 ) ## Fading by deg then by deg2 is the same as fading by ## 1-(1-deg)*(1-deg2) deg2 <- .3 FadeCPT(A[[1]],deg2) FadeCPT(A[[2]], 1-(1-deg)*(1-deg2)) stopifnot ( sum(abs(NodeProbs(A[[1]]) - NodeProbs(A[[2]]))) < .0001 ) ## Fade by two time units. lambda <- .8 FadeCPT(A[[3]],1-lambda^2) ## Special cases FadeCPT(A[[4]],0) FadeCPT(A[[5]],1) stopifnot ( sum(abs(NodeProbs(A[[4]]) -c(.8,.2))) < .0001, sum(abs(NodeProbs(A[[5]]) -c(.5,.5))) < .0001 ) DeleteNetwork(aaa) } \keyword{ interface } \keyword{ model }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line