\name{CaseFileDelimiter} \alias{CaseFileDelimiter} \alias{CaseFileMissingCode} \title{Gets or sets special characters for case files. } \description{ The function \code{CaseFileDelimiter} sets the field delimiter used when writing case files. The function \code{CaseFileMissingCode} sets the character code used for missing values in case files. If called with a null argument, then the current value is returned. } \usage{ CaseFileDelimiter(newdelimiter = NULL) CaseFileMissingCode(newcode = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{newdelimiter}{A character scalar containing the new delimiter. It must be either a comma, a space, or a tab. } \item{newcode}{The character to be used as a delimiter. It must be either an asterisk ("*"), a question mark ("?"), a space, (" ") or the empty string (""). } } \details{ Case files are essentially a comma separated value files, although tab and space are allowed as alternative delimiters. The space and empty string are only allowed as missing value codes when the delimiter is a comma. The value of the delimiter is global, and applies to all case files written from this point on. When the argument is null (the default) the current value is returned without changing it. } \value{ The value of the delimiter or missing code before the function call as a string. } \references{ \newcommand{\nref}{\href{http://norsys.com/onLineAPIManual/functions/#1.html}{#1()}} \url{http://norsys.com/onLineAPIManual/index.html}: \nref{SetCaseFileDelimChar_ns}, \nref{SetMissingDataChar_ns} } \author{Russell G. Almond} \note{ The default R missing code "NA" does not work with Netica. } \seealso{ \code{\link{WriteFindings}}, \code{\link{WriteFindings}}, \code{\link{read.CaseFile}} } \examples{ defaultDelim <- CaseFileDelimiter() # Get default d1 <- CaseFileDelimiter("\t") d2 <- CaseFileDelimiter(" ") d3 <- CaseFileDelimiter(",") defaultMiss <- CaseFileMissingCode() # Get default m1 <- CaseFileMissingCode("*") m2 <- CaseFileMissingCode("?") m3 <- CaseFileMissingCode(" ") m4 <- CaseFileMissingCode("") \dontrun{ ## This should throw an error. CaseFileDelimiter(" ") } m5 <- CaseFileMissingCode("?") d4<- CaseFileDelimiter(" ") \dontrun{ ## This should throw an error CaseFileMissingCode(" ") } ## But this is okay CaseFileMissingCode("*") stopifnot(d1==defaultDelim, d2=="\t", d3==" ", d4==",") stopifnot(m1==defaultMiss, m2=="*", m3=="?", m4==" ", m5=="") ## restore defaults CaseFileDelimiter(defaultDelim) CaseFileMissingCode(defaultMiss) } \keyword{ interface } \keyword{ IO }