\name{AdjoinNetwork} \alias{AdjoinNetwork} \title{ Links an evidence model network to a system model network. } \description{ This function assumes that the two arguments are networks that were designed to be connected to one another. It copies the nodes from \code{em} into \code{sm} and then tries to resolve any stub links in the copied nodes by connecting them to nodes in \code{sm}. } \usage{ AdjoinNetwork(sm, em, setname = character()) } \arguments{ \item{sm}{ An active \code{\link{NeticaBN}} which contains the system state variables. } \item{em}{ An active \code{\link{NeticaBN}} which contains variables that provide evidence about the system state. } \item{setname}{ An optional character vector containing names of node sets (see \code{\link{NodeSets}()}). If supplied, all of the newly created nodes are added to the node sets. Note that all node set names must conform to the \code{\link{IDname}} rules. } } \details{ This follows the System Model--Evidence Model protocol laid out in Almond et al (1999) and Almond and Mislevy (1999). The idea is that the network \code{sm} is a complete network that encodes beliefs about the current status of a system. In particular, it often encodes the state of knowledge about a student and is then called a \emph{student model}. The second network \code{em} is an incomplete network: a fragment of a network, some of whose nodes could be stub nodes referring to nodes in the \code{sm} (see \code{\link{NodeInputNames}()} and \code{\link{NodeKind}()}). The idea is that the \emph{evidence model} provides a set of observable values associated with some diagnostic procedure, in particular, a task on an assessment. The function \code{AdjoinNetwork(sm,em)} copies all of the nodes from \code{em} to \code{sm}, modifying \code{sm} in the process (copy it first using \code{\link{CopyNetworks}(sm)} if this is not the intention). It then the parents of each node, \code{emnode}, in \code{em} looking for stub nodes (cases where \code{\link{NodeParents}(emnode)[j]} has been set to \code{NULL} for some parent. \code{AdjoinNetworks(sm,em)} then tries to find a matching parent by searching for a system model node, \code{smnode} named \code{\link{NodeInputNames}(emnode)[j]}. If it finds one, it sets \code{NodeParents(emnode)[j] <- smnode}; if not, it issues a warning. The function \code{AdjoinNetwork(sm,em)} also copies node set information from the nodes in \code{em} to their copies in \code{sm}. The value of \code{setname} is concatenated with the current node sets of the nodes in \code{em}. This provides a handy way of identifying the evidence model from which the nodes came. After findings are entered on the nodes in the evidence model, the can be eliminated using \code{\link{AbsorbNodes}()}. } \value{ A list containing the newly copied nodes (the instances of the \code{em} nodes now in \code{sm}). } \references{ Almond, R. G. & Mislevy, R. J. (1999) Graphical models and computerized adaptive testing. \emph{Applied Psychological Measurement}, 23, 223--238. Almond, R., Herskovits, E., Mislevy, R. J., & Steinberg, L. S. (1999). Transfer of information between system and evidence models. In Artificial Intelligence and Statistics 99, Proceedings (pp. 181--186). Morgan-Kaufman } \author{ Russell Almond } \seealso{ \code{\link{NeticaNode}}, \code{\link{AbsorbNodes}()}, \code{\link{JointProbability}()}, \code{\link{NodeSets}()}, \code{\link{CopyNodes}()},\code{\link{NetworkFootprint}()} } \examples{ ## System/Student model EMSMSystem <- ReadNetworks(paste(library(help="RNetica")$path, "sampleNets","System.dne", sep=.Platform$file.sep)) ## Evidence model for Task 1a EMTask1a <- ReadNetworks(paste(library(help="RNetica")$path, "sampleNets","EMTask1a.dne", sep=.Platform$file.sep)) ## Evidence model for Task 2a EMTask2a <- ReadNetworks(paste(library(help="RNetica")$path, "sampleNets","EMTask2a.dne", sep=.Platform$file.sep)) ## Evidence model for Task 2b EMTask2b <- ReadNetworks(paste(library(help="RNetica")$path, "sampleNets","EMTask2b.dne", sep=.Platform$file.sep)) ## Task 1a has a footprint of Skill1 and Skill2 (those are the ## referenced student model nodes. So we want joint the footprint into ## a single clique. MakeCliqueNode(NetworkFindNode(EMSMSystem, NetworkFootprint(EMTask1a))) ## The footprint for Task2 a is already a clique, so no need to do ## anything. ## Make a copy for student 1 student1 <- CopyNetworks(EMSMSystem,"student1") ## Monitor nodes for proficiency student1.prof <- NetworkNodesInSet(student1,"Proficiency") student1.t1a <- AdjoinNetwork(student1,EMTask1a) ## We are done with the original EMTask1a now DeleteNetwork(EMTask1a) ## Now add findings CompileNetwork(student1) NodeFinding(student1.t1a$Obs1a1) <- "Right" NodeFinding(student1.t1a$Obs1a2) <- "Right" student1.probt1a <- JointProbability(student1.prof) ## Done with the observables, absorb them AbsorbNodes(student1.t1a) CompileNetwork(student1) student1.probt1ax <- JointProbability(student1.prof) ## This should be the same stopifnot( sum(abs(student1.probt1a-student1.probt1ax)) <.0001 ) ## Now Task 2 student1.t2a <- AdjoinNetwork(student1,EMTask2a,as.IDname("t2a")) stopifnot( setequal(names(student1.t2a),names(NetworkNodesInSet(student1,"t2a"))) ) DeleteNetwork(EMTask2a) ## Add findings CompileNetwork(student1) NodeFinding(student1.t2a$Obs2a) <- "Half" student1.probt1a2a <- JointProbability(student1.prof) AbsorbNodes(student1.t2a) CompileNetwork(student1) student1.probt1a2ax <- JointProbability(student1.prof) ## This should be the same stopifnot( sum(abs(student1.probt1a2a-student1.probt1a2ax)) <.0001 ) ## Adjoining networks twice should result in copies with incremented ## numbers. AdjoinNetwork(student1,EMTask2b) AdjoinNetwork(student1,EMTask2b) DeleteNetwork(student1) DeleteNetwork(EMTask2b) DeleteNetwork(EMSMSystem) } \keyword{ interface } \keyword{ manip }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line