If you are seeing this file in the code, then you have the source rather than the object version of RNetica. The current version does not automatically download the Netica API, you need to download and unzip it yourself. You also need to point the installation at the place where it is located. On Linux and Unix (including Mac OS X) distributions you do that with the "--with-netica" switch to configure. Thus I compile with R CMD INSTALL RNetica --configure-args='--with-netica=/home/ralmond/software/Netica_API_504/' To check I run with R CMD check RNetica --install-args="--configure-args='--with-netica=/home/ralmond/software/Netica_API_504/'" For Windows installations, set an environmental variable NETICA_HOME with the path in which you unpacked the Netica API. R will give a warning about manual configuration, this is the necessary manual configuration. If you have obtained a valid Netica API license key from Norsys, you can insert it in the variable NeticaLicenseKey in the main workspace. RNetica will then consult this value when loading the Netica DLL. All of the functions in the man pages work in the unlicensed version, so R CMD check RNetica does not require a license key.