## Node.R ## Basic functions Relating to Nodes. ## Disrete and continuous info is stashed as an attribute, as it cannot change. ###################################################################### ## NeticaNode class ###################################################################### NeticaNode <- setRefClass("NeticaNode", fields=c(Name="character", Netica_Node="externalptr", Net="NeticaBN", discrete="logical"), methods=list( initialize = function(Name=".Prototype", Net,discrete=TRUE,...){ node <- callSuper(Name=Name,Net=Net, Netica_Node=externalptr(), discrete=discrete, ...) node }, isActive = function() { .Call("RN_isNodeActive",.self,PACKAGE=RNetica) }, reportErrors = function(maxreport=9,clear=TRUE) { Net$reportErrors(maxreport,clear) }, clearErrors = function(severity="XXX_ERR") { Net$clearErrors(severity) }, deactivate = function() { .Call("RN_DeactivateNode",.self,PACKAGE=RNetica) }, show = function() { cat(ifelse(discrete,"Discrete ","Continuous"), "Netica Node named ",Name,"in network ",Net$Name,"\n") if (isActive()) { cat(" Node is currently active.\n") if (discrete) { cat("States are: ", paste(NodeStates(.self),collapse=", "), "\n") } } else { cat(" Node is not currently active.\n") } } )) is.discrete <- function (node) { if (is.NeticaNode(node)) { return (node$discrete) } return (NA) } is.continuous <- function (node) { if (is.NeticaNode(node)) { return (!node$discrete) } return (NA) } setMethod("toString","NeticaNode", function(x,...) { if (is.active(x)) if (is.continuous(x)) { paste("") } else { paste("") } else paste("") }) setMethod("print","NeticaNode",function(x, ...) { cat(toString(x),"\n") }) setMethod("as.character", "NeticaNode", function(x, ...) { toString(x) }) is.NeticaNode <- function (x) { is(x,"NeticaNode") } setMethod("Compare","NeticaNode", function(e1, e2) { ok <- switch(.Generic, "=="=0, "!=" =1, -1) if (ok<0) { warning(.Generic, " not implemented for Netica nodes.") return(NA) } truth <- (ok == 0) ## inversts sign of truth for != bothdeleted <- !is.active(e1) && !is.active(e2) if (is.na(bothdeleted)) return(!truth) ## At least one non-bn bothdeleted <- !is.active(e1) && !is.active(e2) if (is.na(bothdeleted)) return(!truth) ## At least one non-bn if (bothdeleted) { ## Both deleted, use cached names. return(ifelse(e1$Name==e2$Name & e1$Net==e2$Net,truth,!truth)) } ## Okay have two valid NeticaNodes or one valid one and one inactive. ## Either way we can get by by comparing pointers. return(ifelse(identical(e1$Netica_Node,e2$Netica_Node), truth,!truth)) }) setMethod("is.element",c("NeticaNode","list"), function (el,set) is.element(list(el),set)) setMethod("is.active","NeticaNode",function(x) x$isActive()) ######################################################################## ## Creation and Destruction ####################################################################### NewContinuousNode <- function (net, names) { if (!is.NeticaBN(net) || !is.active(net)) { stop("Expected an active Bayes net, got ",net) } if (!is.character(names) || length(names) == 0) { stop("Node names not supplied.") } goodNames <- is.IDname(names) if (any(!goodNames)) { stop("Illegal Netica Names, ",names[!goodNames]) } handles <- .Call("RN_NewContinuousNodes",net,names,PACKAGE=RNetica) if (length(handles)==1) handles <- handles[[1]] ecount <- net$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } handles } NewDiscreteNode <- function (net, names, states = c("Yes","No")) { if (!is.NeticaBN(net) || !is.active(net)) { stop("Expected an active Bayes net, got ",net) } if (!is.character(names) || length(names) == 0) { stop("Node names not supplied.") } goodNames <- is.IDname(names) if (any(!goodNames)) { stop("Illegal Netica Names, ",names[!goodNames]) } nslist <- -1 statelist <- NA if (is.character(states)) { ## We got a single state list, so all nodes are going to have ## identical states. nslist = rep(length(states),length(names)) statelist = rep(paste(states,collapse=", "),length(names)) } else if (is.list(states)) { ## We got a vector, different set of states for each node. if (length(states) != length(names)) { stop("Name list and state list are of different lengths.") } nslist <- sapply(states,length) statelist <- sapply(states,paste,collapse=", ") } else { stop("Unexpected object for states") } handles <- .Call("RN_NewDiscreteNodes",net,names,nslist,statelist,PACKAGE=RNetica) if (length(handles)==1) handles <- handles[[1]] ecount <- net$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } handles } DeleteNodes <- function (nodes) { if (is.NeticaNode(nodes) && length(nodes) ==1) { nodes <- list(nodes) } net <- nodes[[1]]$Net if (any(!sapply(nodes,is.NeticaNode))) { stop("Expected a list of Netica nodes, got, ",nodes) } handles <- .Call("RN_Delete_Nodes",nodes,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- net$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } for (nd in handles) { if (is(nd,"NeticaNode")) { rm(list=nd$Name,envir=net$nodes) } } if (length(handles)==1) handles <- handles[[1]] invisible(handles) } ## options should be one of no_links, or no_tables. CopyNodes <- function (nodes, newnamelist=NULL, newnet=NULL, options=character(0)) { if (is.NeticaNode(nodes) && length(nodes) ==1) nodes <-list(nodes) if (!all(sapply(nodes,is.NeticaNode))) { stop("Expected a list of Netica nodes, got, ",nodes) } options <- paste(options,collapse=",") if (is.null(newnet)) { newnet = NodeNet(nodes[[1]]) } if (!is.NeticaBN(newnet) || !is.active(newnet)) { stop("Expected an active Bayes net, got ",newnet) } handles <- .Call("RN_Copy_Nodes",newnet, nodes, options,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- newnet$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } if(!is.null(newnamelist)) { ## New names supplied, rename. if (length(handles)!=length(newnamelist)) { stop("Number of new names doesn't match number of old nodes") } newnamelist <- as.character(newnamelist) for (n in 1:length(handles)) { if (!is.IDname(newnamelist[n])) { stop("String ",newnamelist[n]," is not a legal Netica Name.") } NodeName(handles[[n]]) <- newnamelist[n] } } if (length(handles)==1) { handles[[1]] } else { names(handles) <- sapply(handles,NodeName) handles } } ######################################################################### ## Utility level node operations. ######################################################################### NetworkFindNode <- function (net,name) { if (length(net)>1 || !is.NeticaBN(net) || !is.active(net)) { stop ("Expected an active Netica network, got ",net) } if (length(name) > 1) { result <- lapply(name,function(n) NetworkFindNode(net,n)) names(result) <- name return (result) } else { if(!is.IDname(name)) { stop("Expected a Netica name, got ",name) } handle <- .Call("RN_Find_Node",net,name,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- net$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } handle } } NetworkAllNodes <- function(net) { if (length(net)>1 || !is.NeticaBN(net) || !is.active(net)) { stop ("Expected an active Netica network, got ",net) } handles <- .Call("RN_Network_AllNodes",net,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- net$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } names(handles) <- sapply(handles,NodeName) handles } NodeNet <- function(node, internal=FALSE) { if (length(node)>1 || !is.NeticaNode(node)) { stop ("Expected an active Netica node, got ",node) } if (!is.active(node)) return(NULL) if (internal) { handle <- .Call("RN_NodeNet",node,node$Net$Session,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } handle } else { node$Net } } NodeName <- function (node, internal=FALSE) { if (!is.NeticaNode(node) || !is.active(node)) { stop("Expected an active Netica node, got, ",node) } if (internal) { name <- .Call("RN_GetNodeName",node,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } name } else { node$Name } } "NodeName<-" <- function (node, value) { if (!is.NeticaNode(node) || !is.active(node)) { stop("Expected an active Netica node, got, ",node) } if (length(value)>1 || !is.IDname(value)) { stop("Illegal Netica Name, ",value) } oldname <- NodeName(node) net <- node$Net handle <- .Call("RN_SetNodeName",node,value,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } handle$Name <- value rm(list=oldname,envir=net$nodes) net$nodes[[value]] <- handle handle } ################################################################ ## Getters and Setters for High Level Net properities ################################################################ NodeTitle <- function (node) { if (!is.NeticaNode(node)) { stop("Expected an active Netica node, got, ",node) } title <- .Call("RN_GetNodeTitle",node,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } title } "NodeTitle<-" <- function (node, value) { if (!is.NeticaNode(node)) { stop("Expected an active Netica node, got, ",node) } if (length(value)>1) { warning("Only first element used as title.") } value <- as.character(value) handle <- .Call("RN_SetNodeTitle",node,value,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } invisible(handle) } NodeDescription <- function (node) { if (!is.NeticaNode(node)) { stop("Expected an active Netica node, got, ",node) } description <- .Call("RN_GetNodeComment",node,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } description } "NodeDescription<-" <- function (node, value) { if (!is.NeticaNode(node)) { stop("Expected an active Netica node, got, ",node) } value <- as.character(value) if (any(is.na(value))) { stop("Non-character titles in ", value) } value <- paste(value,collapse="\n") handle <- .Call("RN_SetNodeComment",node,value,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } invisible(handle) } NodeUserField <- function (node, fieldname) { if (!is.NeticaNode(node)) { stop("Expected an active Netica node, got, ",node) } if (length(fieldname)>1 || !is.IDname(fieldname)) { stop("Illegal Netica Field Name, ",fieldname) } value <- .Call("RN_GetNodeUserField",node,fieldname,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } value } "NodeUserField<-" <- function (node, fieldname, value) { if (!is.NeticaNode(node)) { stop("Expected an active Netica node, got, ",node) } if (length(fieldname)>1 || !is.IDname(fieldname)) { stop("Illegal Netica Field Name, ",fieldname) } value <- as.character(value) if (length(value)>1 || is.na(value)) { stop("Illegal field value.") } handle <- .Call("RN_SetNodeUserField",node,fieldname,value,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } handle } NodeAllUserFields <- function (node) { if (!is.NeticaNode(node)) { stop("Expected a Netica node, got, ",node) } values <- .Call("RN_GetAllNodeUserFields",node,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } values } NodeUserObj <- function (node, fieldname) { str <- NodeUserField(node,fieldname) if (is.na(str)) return(NULL) dgetFromString(str) } "NodeUserObj<-" <- function (node, fieldname, value) { sval <- dputToString(value) ## Sometimes R "helpfully" breaks this into multiple lines. if (length(sval) > 1) sval <- paste(sval,collapse=" ") NodeUserField(node,fieldname) <- sval node } NodeKind <- function (node) { if (!is.NeticaNode(node)) { stop("Expected an active Netica node, got, ",node) } kind <- .Call("RN_GetNodeKind",node,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } kind } "NodeKind<-" <- function (node, value) { if (!is.NeticaNode(node)) { stop("Expected an active Netica node, got, ",node) } value <- as.character(value) if (any(is.na(value))) { stop("Non-character kinds in ", value) } if (length(value) >1) { warning("Value has length greater than 1, only first value used.") } handle <- .Call("RN_SetNodeKind",node,value,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } invisible(handle) } NodeVisStyle <- function (node) { if (!is.NeticaNode(node)) { stop("Expected an active Netica node, got, ",node) } style <- .Call("RN_GetNodeVisStyle",node,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } style } "NodeVisStyle<-" <- function (node, value) { if (!is.NeticaNode(node)) { stop("Expected an active Netica node, got, ",node) } value <- as.character(value) if (any(is.na(value))) { stop("Non-character styles in ", value) } if (length(value) >1) { warning("Value has length greater than 1, only first value used.") } handle <- .Call("RN_SetNodeVisStyle",node,value,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } invisible(handle) } NodeVisPos <- function (node) { if (!is.NeticaNode(node)) { stop("Expected an active Netica node, got, ",node) } pos <- .Call("RN_GetNodeVisPos",node,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } pos } "NodeVisPos<-" <- function (node, value) { if (!is.NeticaNode(node)) { stop("Expected an active Netica node, got, ",node) } value <- as.numeric(value) if (length(value) >2 || any(is.na(value))) { stop("Expected a vector of 2 numbers, got", value) } handle <- .Call("RN_SetNodeVisPos",node,value,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } invisible(handle) } NodeNumStates <- function (node) { if (!is.NeticaNode(node)) { stop("Expected an active Netica node, got, ",node) } nstates <- .Call("RN_GetNodeNumStates",node,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } nstates } NodeStates <- function (node) { if (!is.NeticaNode(node)) { stop("Expected an active Netica node, got, ",node) } states <- .Call("RN_GetNodeStates",node,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } states } "NodeStates<-" <- function (node, resize=FALSE, value) { if (!is.NeticaNode(node)) { stop("Expected an active Netica node, got, ",node) } value <- as.character(value) if (any(is.na(value)) || any(!is.IDname(value))) { stop("Illegal state names: ", value) } if (!resize && length(value) != NodeNumStates(node)) { stop("Expected exactly ", NodeNumStates(node), " states, or resize=TRUE.") } handle <- .Call("RN_SetNodeStates",node, paste(value,collapse=","), length(value),PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } invisible(handle) } NodeStateTitles <- function (node) { if (!is.NeticaNode(node)) { stop("Expected an active Netica node, got, ",node) } titles <- .Call("RN_GetNodeStateTitles",node,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } titles } "NodeStateTitles<-" <- function (node, value) { if (!is.NeticaNode(node)) { stop("Expected an active Netica node, got, ",node) } value <- as.character(value) if (any(is.na(value))) { stop("Illegal state names: ", value) } if (length(value) != NodeNumStates(node)) { stop("Expected exactly ", NodeNumStates(node), " titles") } handle <- .Call("RN_SetNodeStateTitles",node, value,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } invisible(handle) } NodeStateComments <- function (node) { if (!is.NeticaNode(node)) { stop("Expected an active Netica node, got, ",node) } comments <- .Call("RN_GetNodeStateComments",node,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } comments } "NodeStateComments<-" <- function (node, value) { if (!is.NeticaNode(node)) { stop("Expected an active Netica node, got, ",node) } value <- as.character(value) if (any(is.na(value))) { stop("Illegal state names: ", value) } if (length(value) != NodeNumStates(node)) { stop("Expected exactly ", NodeNumStates(node), " comments") } handle <- .Call("RN_SetNodeStateComments",node, value,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } invisible(handle) } NodeLevels <- function (node) { if (!is.NeticaNode(node)) { stop("Expected an active Netica node, got, ",node) } if (is.discrete(node)) { ## Returns a named vector of length NodeNumStates(node) levels <- .Call("RN_GetNodeLevelsDiscrete",node,PACKAGE=RNetica) } else { ## Returns an unnamed vector of length NodeNumStates(node)+1 levels <- .Call("RN_GetNodeLevelsContinuous",node,PACKAGE=RNetica) } ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } levels } "NodeLevels<-" <- function (node, value) { if (!is.NeticaNode(node)) { stop("Expected an active Netica node, got, ",node) } value <- as.numeric(value) if (any(is.na(value))) { stop("Illegal levels: ", paste(value,collapse=", ")) } ## Different rules for error checking in the two cases. if (is.discrete(node)) { if (length(value) != NodeNumStates(node)) { stop("Expected exactly ", NodeNumStates(node), " levels") } } else { if (is.unsorted(value)) { stop("Level cut points must be in increasing or decreasing order.") } } handle <- .Call("RN_SetNodeLevels",node, value,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } invisible(handle) } ########################################################################### ## Node Sets ########################################################################### NetworkNodeSets <- function(net, incSystem=FALSE) { if (!is.NeticaBN(net) || !is.active(net)) { stop("Expected an active Netica network, got, ",net) } incSystem <- as.logical(incSystem)[1] sets <- .Call("RN_NetworkNodeSets",net,incSystem, PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- net$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } sets } NodeSets <- function(node, incSystem=FALSE) { if (!is.NeticaNode(node) || !is.active(node)) { stop("Expected an active Netica node, got, ",node) } incSystem <- as.logical(incSystem)[1] sets <- .Call("RN_GetNodeSets",node, incSystem, PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } ## Strip out zero length strings. sets[nchar(sets)>0] } "NodeSets<-" <- function(node, value) { if (!is.NeticaNode(node) || !is.active(node)) { stop("Expected an active Netica node, got, ",node) } value <- as.character(value) if (length(grep(",",value)) > 0) { stop("Commas not allowed in node set names.") } sysvals <- grep("^:",value) if (length(sysvals) >0) { warning("Ignoring node sets begining with ':' (reserved for Netica use).") value <- value[-sysvals] } .Call("RN_SetNodeSets",node,value,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } invisible(node) } AddNodeToSets <- function (node,sets) { NodeSets(node) <- union(NodeSets(node),sets) invisible(node) } RemoveNodeFromSets <- function (node,sets) { NodeSets(node) <- setdiff(NodeSets(node),sets) invisible(node) } NetworkNodesInSet <- function(net, setname) { if (!is.NeticaBN(net) || !is.active(net)) { stop("Expected an active Netica network, got, ",net) } if (length(setname)>1) { warning("NetworkNodeSets: Ignoring all but first set name.") } setname <- as.character(setname)[1] nodes <- .Call("RN_NetworkNodesInSet",net,setname, PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- net$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } nodes <- as.list(nodes) names(nodes) <- sapply(nodes,NodeName) nodes } "NetworkNodesInSet<-" <- function(net, setname, value) { oldset <- NetworkNodesInSet(net,setname) oldsetNames <- names(oldset) newsetNames <- sapply(value,NodeName) ## setdiff doesn't work with objects, so need to do this the hard way for (nd in oldset) { if (!(NodeName(nd) %in% newsetNames)) RemoveNodeFromSets(nd,setname) } for (nd in value) { if (!(NodeName(nd) %in% oldsetNames)) AddNodeToSets(nd,setname) } invisible(net) } NetworkSetPriority <- function(net, setlist) { if (!is.NeticaBN(net) || !is.active(net)) { stop("Expected an active Netica network, got, ",net) } setlist <- as.character(setlist) .Call("RN_NetworkSetPriority",net,paste(setlist,collapse=","), PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- net$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } invisible(net) } NetworkNodeSetColor <- function(net, setname, newcolor) { if (!is.NeticaBN(net) || !is.active(net)) { stop("Expected an active Netica network, got, ",net) } if (length(setname)>1) { warning("NetworkNodeSetColor: Ignoring all but first set name.") } setname <- as.character(setname)[1] if (missing(newcolor)) { ## No replacement, must be a request result <- .Call("RN_NetworkNodeGetColor",net,setname, PACKAGE=RNetica) } else { if (length(newcolor)>1) { warning("NetworkNodeSetColor: Ignoring all but first color.") } if (is.na(newcolor)) { col <- -2L } else { col <- as.numeric(col2rgb(newcolor)) col <- as.integer(sum(col*256^(2:0))) } result <- .Call("RN_NetworkNodeSetColor",net,setname, col, PACKAGE=RNetica) } ecount <- net$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } if (result==-2) { result <- NA_character_ } else { result <- paste("#",as.hexmode(result),sep="") } result }