## ## Inferences.R -- These functions are related to continuous nodes an ## multual information. ## This is a real value as opposed to the node finding NodeValue <- function (node) { if (length(node)>1 || !is.NeticaNode(node) || !is.active(node)) { stop ("Node is not an active Netica node", node) } result <- .Call("RN_GetNodeValue",node,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } result } "NodeValue<-" <- function (node,value) { if (length(node)>1 || !is.NeticaNode(node) || !is.active(node)) { stop ("Node is not an active Netica node", node) } if (length(value) >1) { stop("Node must be set to a single value.") } val <- value if (is.character(val) || is.na(val)) { stop("Value ", value, " not legal for node ",node) } handle <- .Call("RN_SetNodeValue",node,val,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } invisible(handle) } "EnterGaussianFinding" <- function (node,mean,sem,retractFirst=TRUE) { if (length(node)>1 || !is.NeticaNode(node) || !is.active(node)) { stop ("Node is not an active Netica node", node) } if (length(mean) >1 || length(sem)>1) { stop("Mean and sd must be scalars.") } if (is.character(mean) || is.na(mean)) { stop("Mean value ", mean, " is not numeric.") } if (is.character(sem) || is.na(sem)) { stop("SEM value ", sem, " is not numeric.") } resetFirst <- as.logical(retractFirst) handle <- .Call("RN_SetNodeGaussian",node,mean,sem,resetFirst,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } invisible(handle) } "EnterIntervalFinding" <- function (node,low,high,retractFirst=TRUE) { if (length(node)>1 || !is.NeticaNode(node) || !is.active(node)) { stop ("Node is not an active Netica node", node) } if (length(low) >1 || length(high)>1) { stop("Low and high must be scalars.") } hv <- high lv <- low if (is.discrete(node)) { if (is.character(hv)) { hv <- match(hv,NodeStates(node)) } hv <- as.integer(hv) -1L if (is.na(hv)) { stop("High value ", high, " not legal for node ",node) } if (is.character(lv)) { lv <- match(lv,NodeStates(node)) } lv <- as.integer(lv) -1L if (is.na(lv)) { stop("Low value ", low, " not legal for node ",node) } } else { ## Continuous node if (is.character(low) || is.na(low)) { stop("Low value ", low, " is not numeric.") } if (is.character(high) || is.na(high)) { stop("High value ", high, " is not numeric.") } if (high <= low) { stop("High value must be greater than low value.") } } resetFirst <- as.logical(retractFirst) handle <- .Call("RN_SetNodeGaussian",node,lv,hv,resetFirst,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } invisible(handle) } NodeExpectedValue <- function (node) { if (length(node)>1 || !is.NeticaNode(node) || !is.active(node)) { stop ("Node is not an active Netica node", node) } result <- .Call("RN_GetNodeExpectedValue",node,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } result } NodeExpectedUtils <- function (node) { if (length(node)>1 || !is.NeticaNode(node) || !is.active(node)) { stop ("Node is not an active Netica node", node) } result <- .Call("RN_GetNodeExpectedValue",node,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } names(result) <- NodeStates(node) result } CalcNodeState <- function (node) { if (length(node)>1 || !is.NeticaNode(node) || !is.active(node)) { stop ("Node is not an active Netica node", node) } result <- .Call("RN_CalcNodeState",node,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } if (is.numeric(result) && !is.na(result)) { result <- NodeStates(node)[result+1] ## Convert to name. } result } CalcNodeValue <- function (node) { if (length(node)>1 || !is.NeticaNode(node) || !is.active(node)) { stop ("Node is not an active Netica node", node) } result <- .Call("RN_CalcNodeValue",node,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } result } MutualInfo <- function (target, nodelist) { if (length(target)>1L || !is.NeticaNode(target) || !is.active(target)) { stop ("Target is not an active Netica node", target) } if(!is.list(nodelist) || length(nodelist) == 0) { stop("Nodelist must be list of Netica nodes") } if (!all(sapply(nodelist, function (n) is.NeticaNode(n) & is.active(n)))) { stop("Nodelist must be list of active Netica Nodes") } result <- .Call("RN_GetMutalInfo",target,nodelist,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- target$reportErrors() if (ecount[1L]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } if (!is.null(names(nodelist))) { names(result) <- names(nodelist) } else { names(result) <- sapply(nodelist,NodeName) } result } VarianceOfReal <- function (target, nodelist) { if (length(target)>1L || !is.NeticaNode(target) || !is.active(target)) { stop ("Target is not an active Netica node", target) } if(!is.list(nodelist) || length(nodelist) == 0) { stop("Nodelist must be list of Netica nodes") } if (!all(sapply(nodelist, function (n) is.NeticaNode(n) & is.active(n)))) { stop("Nodelist must be list of active Netica Nodes") } result <- .Call("RN_GetVarianceOfReal",target,nodelist,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <-target$reportErrors() if (ecount[1L]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } if (!is.null(names(nodelist))) { names(result) <- names(nodelist) } else { names(result) <- sapply(nodelist,NodeName) } result } ## This is broken, need to add evidence woe <- function (enodes,estates,hnodes,hstatelists) { if (!is.list(enodes)) enodes <- list(enodes) if (!is.list(estates)) estates <- list(estates) if (!is.list(hnodes)) hnodes <- list(hnodes) if (!is.list(hstatelists)) hstatelists <- list(hstatelists) if (!all(sapply(hnodes,is.NeticaNode))) { stop("Expected a list of Netica nodes, got ",hnodes) } if (length(hstatelists) > length(hnodes)) { stop("More statelists than nodes.") } net <- NodeNet(hnodes[[1]]) ## Not sure whether hypothesis or negation is compound, so set up ## likelihood based on hypothesis being true and use virtual evidence. hlikes <- mapply(function(hnode,hstatelist) { stnames <- NodeStates(hnode) hlike <- rep(0,length(stnames)) names(hlike) <- stnames hlike[hstatelist] <- 1 hlike }, hnodes,hstatelists,SIMPLIFY=FALSE) tryCatch({ for (i in 1:length(hnodes)) { RetractNodeFinding(hnodes[[i]]) NodeLikelihood(hnodes[[i]]) <- hlikes[[i]] } p_Htrue <- FindingsProbability(net) for (i in 1:length(hnodes)) { RetractNodeFinding(hnodes[[i]]) NodeLikelihood(hnodes[[i]]) <- 1-hlikes[[i]] } p_Hfalse <- FindingsProbability(net) 100*log10(p_Htrue/p_Hfalse) }, finally = sapply(hnodes,RetractNodeFinding)) } ewoe <- function (targets,hnodes,hstatelists) { if (!is.list(targets)) targets <- list(targets) if (!all(sapply(targets,is.NeticaNode))) { stop("Expected a list of Netica nodes, got ",targets) } if (!is.list(hnodes)) hnodes <- list(hnodes) if (!all(sapply(hnodes,is.NeticaNode))) { stop("Expected a list of Netica nodes, got ",hnodes) } if (!is.list(hstatelists)) hstatelists <- list(hstatelists) if (length(hstatelists) > length(hnodes)) { stop("More statelists than nodes.") } ## Not sure whether hypothesis or negation is compound, so set up ## likelihood based on hypothesis being true and use virtual evidence. hlikes <- mapply(function(hnode,hstatelist) { stnames <- NodeStates(hnode) hlike <- rep(0,length(stnames)) names(hlike) <- stnames hlike[hstatelist] <- 1 hlike }, hnodes,hstatelists,SIMPLIFY=FALSE) tryCatch({ for (i in 1:length(hnodes)) { RetractNodeFinding(hnodes[[i]]) NodeLikelihood(hnodes[[i]]) <- hlikes[[i]] } p_Htrue <- lapply(targets,NodeBeliefs) for (i in 1:length(hnodes)) { RetractNodeFinding(hnodes[[i]]) NodeLikelihood(hnodes[[i]]) <- 1-hlikes[[i]] } p_Hfalse <- lapply(targets,NodeBeliefs) ewoes <- mapply(function (p_H,p_notH) {100*sum(log10(p_H/p_notH)*p_H)}, p_Htrue,p_Hfalse) if (length(names(targets)) > 0) { names(ewoes) <- names(targets) } else { names(ewoes) <- sapply(targets,NodeName) } ewoes }, finally = sapply(hnodes,RetractNodeFinding)) } ########## ## Equations NodeEquation <- function (node) { if (!is.NeticaNode(node)) { stop("Expected an active Netica node, got, ",node) } equation <- .Call("RN_GetNodeEquation",node,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } equation } "NodeEquation<-" <- function (node, autoconvert=TRUE, value) { if (!is.NeticaNode(node)) { stop("Expected an active Netica node, got, ",node) } value <- as.character(value) if (any(is.na(value))) { stop("Non-character titles in ", value) } value <- paste(value,collapse="\n") handle <- .Call("RN_SetNodeEquation",node,value,PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } if (autoconvert) EquationToTable(node) invisible(handle) } EquationToTable <- function (node, numSamples=25, sampUnc=TRUE, addExist=TRUE) { if (!is.NeticaNode(node)) { stop("Expected an active Netica node, got, ",node) } numSamples <- as.integer(numSamples) if (is.na(numSamples) || numSamples < 1) { stop("Number of samples must be a positive integer.") } sampUnc <- as.logical(sampUnc) addExist <- as.logical(addExist) if (is.na(sampUnc) || is.na(addExist)) { stop("Flag sampUnc and addExist must be logical values.") } handle <- .Call("RN_EquationToTable",node,numSamples,sampUnc,addExist, PACKAGE=RNetica) ecount <- node$reportErrors() if (ecount[1]>0) { stop("Netica Errors Encountered, see console for details.") } invisible(handle) }