All of the source code for RNetica is available at: The src directory under there contains the C code. For the most part, I think the mapping between the R function and the C function should be self-explanatory, but if not you can certainly look there. You can also download a complete source tarball at Instructions for compiling R in debugging mode are at Quick list of issues (more detail below): Hard BUGS: 1) CreateNetwork_bn seg fault 2) Recursive errors on GetError_ns 3) Fatal Error in GetNodeExpectedUtils_bn Unexpected Behaviors: 4) CalcNodeValue_bn returns UNDEF_DBL not value. 5) NodeLikelihood and MPE and FindingsProbability 6) LearnCPTs does not have a way to test if algorithm converged. 7) Unexpected behavior of EnterGaussianFinding and EnterIntervalFinding 8) LearnCPTs, ReadFindings and memory case streams. This one is a general issue with memory case streams. They sometimes work, and sometimes not. This could be user error, but I'm having a hard time figuring out under what conditions they work properly. 9) NetworkUndo, Redo do nothing Requests for Enhancement: 10) IsNetCompiled function? 11) GetNodesets for Node, Nodes in NodeSet? 12) CopyNodes does not copy NodeSet information? 13) EnterLikelihoodFindingClique Hard BUGS: 1) If CreateNetwork_bn() is called with a null environment I get a segmentation fault. I've now trapped for this in my code (it should have been the case that loading the RNetica package initialize the environment, but at least one of my users was too clever for her own good). I'm bringing it to your attention as you might want to raise a more sensible error than a seg_fault. 2) I'm getting an error GetError_ns: deleted or damage report_ns passed under Windows, 32-bit. The condition that seemed to trigger this was compiling a network with uninitialized CPTs (which generates a warning). This works correctly under Linux and Windows-64 bit. The error seems to persist after it was first encountered. This is an old bug, but I seem to be able to get into a state where I'm repeatedly calling get errors to just keep on getting that error. Yes, my get error message function calls clear errors, maybe that is where the problem is occuring. 3) NodeExpectedUtils {GetNodeExpectedUtils_bn} Fatal Netica error: In function GetNodeExpectedValue_bn: BNUtils-1083 (nd.isNatureOrStubNode()). Error in ReportErrors() : Fatal errors encountered, recommend restarting Netica R Script to produce error (I'll attache the network). ## Read the RTI network from the library. rti <- ReadNetworks(paste(library(help="RNetica")$path, "sampleNets","CostOfTesting.dne", sep=.Platform$file.sep)) ## The two decision nodes Test <- NetworkFindNode(rti,"Test") Instruction <- NetworkFindNode(rti,"Instruction") ## Network must be compiled before analysis: CompileNetwork(rti) \dontrun{ ## NETICA BUG, these currently give errors. NodeExpectedUtils(Test) NodeExpectedUtils(Instruction) } Unexpected Behaviors 4) CalcNodeValue {CalcNodeValue_bn} This is returning UNDEF_DBL (mapped to NA in R) when I expect a value. Here is the test code that fails: lights <- CreateNetwork("lights") ## Next line creates multiple nodes. switchs <- NewDiscreteNode(lights,paste("Switch",1:2,sep=""),c("Up","Down")) bulb <- NewDiscreteNode(lights,"Bulb",c("On","Off")) ## Set up a two-way switch (Xor) network AddLink(switchs[[1]],bulb) AddLink(switchs[[2]],bulb) ## This sets up a logical table, so that the light is on iff ## both switches are in the same orientation. bulb[] <-"Off" bulb[Switch1="Up",Switch2="Up"]<-"On" bulb[Switch1="Down",Switch2="Down"]<-"On" switchs[[1]][] <- .5 switchs[[2]][] <- .5 ## Assign values 0 and 1 NodeLevels(bulb) <-c(1,0) NodeLevels(switchs[[1]]) <-c(1,0) NodeLevels(switchs[[2]]) <-c(1,0) CompileNetwork(lights) ## I've saved this network as lights.dne for your reference. NodeFinding(switchs[[1]]) <- "Up" NodeFinding(switchs[[2]]) <- "Up" ## Test CalcNodeValue(bulb) CalcNodeValue(switchs[[1]]) I'm expecting both of the last two to return 1, but they are returning NA (UNDEF_DBL) instead. 5) NodeLikelihood {GetNodeLikelihood_bn} I have two notes here about confirming the behavior of this function. a) The documentation for the Netica function \nref{MostProbableConfig_bn} states that likelihood findings are not properly taken into account in \code{\link{MostProbableConfig}()}. Some quick tests indicate that it is doing something sensible, but more extensive testing and/or clarification is needed. Here I would expect that under MPC propagation, it would give the config with the highest likelihood. I guess my question is why is there a warning here? It seems like you could simply document the behavior. b) The documentation for the Netica function \nref{FindingsProbability_bn} also provides a warning about likelihood evidence. The function \code{\link{FindingsProbability}(net)} still gives a result, but it is the normalization constant for the network, and not necessarily a probability. Is this statement correct? If so, again, you could update the documentation. 6) Learn_CPTs does not have a way to test if algorithm converged. This is almost a RFE rather than a behavior question, but it is a bit more serious, as it precludes many uses of the LearnCPTs function. High priority is for a simple flag that tells whether the algorithm converged or just ran to the max cycle would be the minimum requirement. Ideally, there would be a way to return the number of cycles used and the log-likelihood at convergence as is done in the Netica GUI. In particular, LearnCPTs_bn uses a learner object, presumably its state could be queried after a call to LearnCPTs_bn to get details about the convergence. 7) Unexpected behavior of EnterGaussianFinding {EnterGaussianFinding_bn} This seems to only set a single value, not a probability distribution over possible values. Maybe this is a documentation bug, but then the function seems redundant with NodeValue. Script to reproduce the problem: cirt5 <- CreateNetwork("ContinuousIRT5") theta <- NewContinuousNode(cirt5,"Theta") NodeLevels(theta) <- c(-5,-2.5,-1.5,-0.5,0.5,1.5,2.5,5) theta[] <- rep(1/NodeNumStates(theta),NodeNumStates(theta)) CompileNetwork(cirt5) ## Ready to enter findings EnterGaussianFinding(theta,0,1) NodeBeliefs(theta) I get: NodeBeliefs(theta) 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 But I'm expecting > diff(pnorm(c(-5,-2.5,-1.5,-0.5,0.5,1.5,2.5,5))) [1] 0.006209379 0.060597536 0.241730337 0.382924923 0.241730337 0.060597536 [7] 0.006209379 7a) Unexpected behavior of EnterIntervalFinding This is remarkably similar. Example code cirt5 <- CreateNetwork("ContinuousIRT5") theta <- NewContinuousNode(cirt5,"Theta") NodeLevels(theta) <- c(-5,-2.5,-1.5,-0.5,0.5,1.5,2.5,5) theta[] <- rep(1/NodeNumStates(theta),NodeNumStates(theta)) CompileNetwork(cirt5) ## Ready to enter findings EnterIntervalFinding(theta,-1,1) NodeBeliefs(theta) I get: 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 But I'm expecting 0 0 1/3 1/3 1/3 0 0 8) LearnCPTs (LearnCPTS_bn, ReviseCPTsByCaseFile_bn) and and case streams. In version 5.04 of the Netica API, there is a problem with using Memory Streams that seems to affect the functions \code{\link{LearnCases}} and \code{\link{LearnCPTs}}. Until this problem is fixed, most uses of Memory Streams will require file streams instead. Write the case file using \code{\link{write.CaseFile}}, and then create a file stream using \code{\link{CaseFileStream}}. The call to LearnCPTs or LearnCases generates the Netica warning: In function ReviseCPTsByCaseFile_bn: can't read any applicable information from this set of cases When the casefile argument is a case stream. The problem appears to be at an even more fundamental level. Sometimes, I can get ReadFinding to work with a case stream, and sometimes not. Here is my test code: abb <- CreateNetwork("ABB") A <- NewDiscreteNode(abb,"A",c("A1","A2")) B1 <- NewDiscreteNode(abb,"B1",c("B1","B2")) B2 <- NewDiscreteNode(abb,"B2",c("B1","B2")) AddLink(A,B1) AddLink(A,B2) A[] <- c(.5,.5) NodeExperience(A) <- 10 B1["A1"] <- c(.8,.2) B1["A2"] <- c(.2,.8) B2["A1"] <- c(.8,.2) B2["A2"] <- c(.2,.8) NodeExperience(B1) <- c(10,10) NodeExperience(B2) <- c(10,10) ## I've saved this as abb.dne casesabb <- data.frame(IDnum=1001:1010, NumCases=rep(1,10), A=c("A1","A1","A1","A1","A1","A2","A2","A2","A2","A2"), B1=c("B1","B1","B1","B2","B2","B2","B2","B2","B1","B1"), B2=c("B1","B1","B1","B1","B2","B2","B2","B2","B2","B1")) ## LearnCases should take the data frame argument, create the MemoryCaseStream object and then call ReviseCPTsByCaseFile_bn LearnCases(casesabb,list(A,B1)) The last call generates a warning: Netica warning: In function ReviseCPTsByCaseFile_bn: can't read any applicable information from this set of cases When I look at the contents of the case stream, it looks fine: Buffer length 125 ipos = 125, nrow=11 Line 0: IDnum A B1 B2 Line 1: 1 A1 B1 B1 Line 2: 2 A1 B1 B1 Line 3: 3 A1 B1 B1 Line 4: 4 A1 B2 B1 Line 5: 5 A1 B2 B2 Line 6: 6 A2 B2 B2 Line 7: 7 A2 B2 B2 Line 8: 8 A2 B2 B2 Line 9: 9 A2 B1 B2 Line 10: 10 A2 B1 B1 But when I call ReadFindings it returns @NO_FINDING for all three nodes. Curiously, I can get the read findings to work on a different example: (This one works on the network abc.dne). casefile <- paste(library(help="RNetica")$path, "testData","abctestcases.cas", sep=.Platform$file.sep) cases <- read.CaseFile(casefile) abcstream <- MemoryCaseStream(cases) MemoryStreamContents(abcstream) This returns: Buffer length 68 ipos = 68, nrow=4 Line 0: IDnum NumCases A B C Line 1: 1001 1 A1 B1 C1 Line 2: 1002 2 A2 B2 C2 Line 3: 1003 1 A3 B3 * and ReadFindings works fine. Something weird is going on here, and I'm not sure I've given you enough clues to figure it out. The only real difference between those two examples is that in the first, I've constructed the data frame by hand, and in the second, I've constructed it by writing out a case file. If you have anything for me to try (including print statements I can add at the C level) I'm happy to try. Note that I can work around this problem by using casefiles, so it is not a big issue, more a matter of completeness. 9) NetworkUndo, Redo do nothing I've not been able to figure out what they undo/redo. This is only in the API. Not a big issue, but a matter of completeness. Requests for Enhancement: 10) IsNetCompiled function? As we discussed in Jersey City, this is not strictly necessary because causing CompileNetwork with an already compiled network is a no-op, but it would be helpful for documenting what is happening. 11) GetNodesets for Node, Nodes in NodeSet? I've been finding the node set functions extremely useful for a number of things. Currently supported operations are: AddNodeToNodeset_bn, RemoveNodeFromNodeset_bn, IsNodeInNodeset_bn GetAllNodesets_bn, I would also like a GetNodeSets_bn(node) and a NodesInNodeSet(net,set) function. I can derive them, but I suspect that one or the other of those two functions are really fast to implement in the Netica base code. It should also result in a speedup of my code as I would be able to avoid a loop in at least one of those two cases. 12) CopyNodes does not copy NodeSet information? I'm not sure if this is intended in the design or not. For my part, I would prefer it was copied, but I could live with the other way. Either way it should be documented. 13) EnterLikelihoodFindingClique Again, we talked about this one in Jersey City. I can understand where your reluctance comes from, but there are a number of efficiencies for a bunch of algorithms with this function. Bob and I wrote a RR on specifications for this one. Again, I can get away with the adjoin and absorb functions.