\name{eggs} \alias{eggs} \docType{data} \title{A kitched experiment involving the measurement of eggs} \description{ Dempster (1969) describes a kitchen experiment in which a dozen grade A eggs were measured with rough equipment. The orginal measurement were the length, \eqn{L}, (in cm), width, \eqn{W}, (in cm) and volume, \eqn{V} (in cc) } \usage{data("eggs")} \format{ A matrix with 12 observations (row) and data on the following 3 variables (columns): \describe{ \item{logLength}{\eqn{log_{10} L}} \item{logWidth}{\eqn{log_{10} W}} \item{logVol}{\eqn{log_{10} (6/\pi) V}} } } \source{ Dempsters, A. P. (1969). \emph{Elements of Continuous Multivariate Analysis.} Addison-Wesley. Example 8.1, p. 151. } \examples{ data(eggs) } \keyword{datasets}