\name{colorspread} \alias{colorspread} \title{Produces an ordered palate of colours with the same hue.} \description{ This takes a colour specification, and produces an ordered series of colours by manipulating the saturate (and possibly value) of the color, leaving the hue constant. This produces a colour palate suitable for plotting ordered factors, which looks good on a colour display, but also reproduces well on a grayscale printer (or for persons with limited colour perception). } \usage{ colorspread(col, steps, maxsat = FALSE, rampval = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{col}{ A color in any format suitable as input to \code{\link[grDevices]{col2rgb}}. } \item{steps}{ A integer describing the number of colors to create. } \item{maxsat}{ A logical value. If true, the final color in the series will have saturation 1, instead of whatever is appropriate for the input. } \item{rampval}{ A logical value. If true, the value as well as the saturation of the color is ramped. } } \details{ The colour is converted to a RGB value using \code{\link[grDevices]{col2rgb}} and then to an HSV value using \code{\link[grDevices]{rgb2hsv}}. The saturation is then scaled into \code{steps} equal intervals. If requested, the \code{value} is scaled as well. } \value{ A character vectors of length \code{steps} giving the colour palate from lowest to highest intensity. This is suitable to passing to the \code{col} argument of most graphics functions. } \author{Russell Almond} \note{ Many of the built-in colours come with 4 intensity variants are meant to work well together. In some cases an expression like \code{paste("firebrick",1:4,sep="")} may work better than colorspread. To see the built-in colours, use the \code{\link{colors}} function. } \seealso{ \code{\link{colors}}, Uses in the CPTtools package: \code{\link[CPTtools]{compareBars}}, \code{link[CPTtools]{stackedBars}} } \examples{ barplot(rep(1,4),col=colorspread("slategray",4)) barplot(rep(1,4),col=colorspread("slategray",4,maxsat=TRUE)) barplot(rep(1,4),col=colorspread("violetred",4)) barplot(rep(1,4),col=colorspread("violetred",4,rampval=TRUE)) } \keyword{graphics}