BQreg <- function(X,Y,Q=matrix(TRUE,ncol(Y),ncol(X)),weights=1, maxstep=25L,tolerance=10*sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), trace=FALSE) { if ( { X <- as.matrix(X) } if ( { Y <- as.matrix(Y) } if (nrow(Y) != nrow(X)) { stop("X and Y not same length") } J <- ncol(Y) K <- ncol(X) if (nrow(Q) != J || ncol(Q) !=K) { stop("Q matrix must be ",J,"by",K) } ## Calculate sufficient statistic matrix, T ## First, do a first pass estimate using complete cases. complete <- !apply(,1,any) wc <- weights T0 <- SSX(cbind(X[complete,],Y[complete,]), ifelse(length(weights)>1,weights[complete],weights)) sumwc <- T0[1,1] #Sum of weights T0 <- matSweep(T0,1) T0[-1,-1] <- T0[-1,-1]/sumwc if (all(complete)) { converged <- TRUE iterations <- 0 BQ <- TQB(T0,Q) B <- BQ$B b0 <- BQ$b0 Syy.x0 <- BQ$Syy.x } else { ## Missing data, EM time: converged <- FALSE for (iterations in 1L:maxstep) { BSest <- TQB(T0,Q) T1 <- EbuildT(X,Y,BSest$B,BSest$b0,BSest$Syy.x,weights)$T diff <- max(abs(T1-T0)) T0 <- T1 if (trace) cat("Iteration,",iterations,"max difference:",diff,"\n") if (diff < tolerance) { converged <- TRUE break } } #End of loop BQ <- TQB(T0,Q) B <- BQ$B b0 <- BQ$b0 Syy.x0 <- BQ$Syy.x } #End of EM ## Calculate residual covariance matrix. resid <- Y - sweep(tcrossprod(X,B),2,b0,"+") na.resid <- resid[na.resid] <- 0 #Zero residual if NA if (length(weights)==1) { weights <- rep(weights,nrow(X)) } Syy.x <- crossprod(sweep(resid,1,weights,"*"),resid) if (any(na.resid)) { ## Adjust elements of covariance matrix as needed. for (j1 in 1:J) { whichmiss <- na.resid[,j1] if (!any(whichmiss)) next #Skip complete data ## Diagonal adjustment Syy.x[j1,j1] <- Syy.x[j1,j1] + Syy.x0[j1,j1]*sum(weights[whichmiss]) if (j1==J) break #Cross product terms finished for (j2 in (j1+1):J) { #Cross product terms whichmiss <- na.resid[,j1] & na.resid[,j2] if (!any(whichmiss)) next #Skip complete data where both #are not missing. Syy.x[j1,j2] <- Syy.x[j1,j2] + Syy.x0[j1,j2]*sum(weights[whichmiss]) Syy.x[j2,j1] <- Syy.x[j1,j2] #Symmetry } #next j2 } #next j1 Syy.x <- Syy.x/sum(weights) } #End of missing data processing list(B=B,b0=b0,Syy.x=Syy.x, converged=converged,iterations=iterations) } TQB <- function (T,Q) { ## Force Q to be logical Q <- array(as.logical(Q),dim(Q)) K <- ncol(Q) J <- nrow(Q) ## Coefficients B <- array(0,dim(Q)) b0 <- rep(0,nrow(Q)) ## Residual covariance matrix. Syy.x <- matrix(0,J,J) ## Find unique patterns Qpat <- apply(sweep(Q,2,2^(0:(ncol(Q)-1)),"*"),1,sum) ## Loop unique patterns. for (qp in unique(Qpat)) { whichY <- which(qp==Qpat) whichX <- which(Q[whichY[1],]) #Same for all matching vars. sT <- matSweep(T,1+whichX) B[whichY,whichX] <- sT[1+K+whichY,1+whichX] b0[whichY] <- sT[1+K+whichY,1] Syy.x[whichY,whichY] <- sT[1+K+whichY,1+K+whichY] } list(B=B,b0=b0,Syy.x=Syy.x) } ## Builds sufficient statistics for BQ-regression from current ## paramters and data. ## Assume that X is completely observed, but that there may be missing ## data in Y. EbuildT <- function(X,Y,B,b0,Syy.x,w=1) { X <- as.matrix(X) Y <- as.matrix(Y) K <- ncol(X) J <- ncol(Y) ## Build prior augmented covariance matrix. sxT0 <- matrix(NA,K+J+1,K+J+1) ## Upper left corner is swept covariance matrix. totweight <- ifelse(length(w)==1,nrow(X)*w,sum(w)) Txx <- matSweep(SSX(X,w),1) ## Change to variance esimate Txx[2:(K+1),2:(K+1)] <- Txx[2:(K+1),2:(K+1)]/totweight ## And sweep on X sxT0[1:(K+1),1:(K+1)] <- matSweep(Txx,2:(K+1)) ## Off diagonal blocks are regression coefficients, ## Constant is in row/column 1. sxT0[1,(K+2):(K+J+1)] <- b0 sxT0[2:(K+1),(K+2):(K+J+1)] <- t(B) sxT0[(K+2):(K+J+1),1] <- b0 sxT0[(K+2):(K+J+1),2:(K+1)] <- B ## Lower right corner is residual vairance matrix. sxT0[(K+2):(K+J+1),(K+2):(K+J+1)] <- Syy.x ## Unsweep to get augmented covariance matrix T0 <- revSweep(sxT0,2:(K+1)) # T0 is the old covariance matrix. ## Now build the final sum of cross product matrix. T <- matrix(0,K+J+1,K+J+1) XY1 <- cbind(1,X,Y) #will impute in this matrix M <- ## Find unique patterns Mpat <- apply(sweep(M,2,2^(0:(ncol(M)-1)),"*"),1,sum) ## Loop unique patterns. for (mp in unique(Mpat)) { if (as.integer(mp)==0) next #Complete data case whichobs <- which(mp==Mpat) whichvars <- 1+K+which(M[whichobs[1],]) ## Produce regression ## Already swept on row 1, so start there. swpT0 <- matSweep(T0,setdiff(2:nrow(T0),whichvars)) ## Mean imputation into missing cells XY1[whichobs,whichvars] <- XY1[whichobs,-whichvars,drop=FALSE] %*% swpT0[-whichvars,whichvars,drop=FALSE] sumwt <- ifelse(length(w)==1,w*length(whichobs),sum(w[whichobs])) T[whichvars,whichvars] <- T[whichvars,whichvars] + sumwt*swpT0[whichvars,whichvars] } T <- crossprod(sweep(XY1,1,w,"*"),XY1) + T T <- matSweep(T,1) sumwt <- ifelse(length(w)==1,nrow(XY1),sum(w)) T[-1,-1] <- T[-1,-1]/sumwt list(T=T,XY1=XY1,M=M) }