\name{saveRec} \alias{saveRec} \title{Saves a P4 Message object to a Mongo database} \description{ This function saves an S4 object as a record in a Mongo databalse. It uses \code{\link{as.json}} to covert the object to a JSON string. } \usage{ saveRec(mess, col, serialize=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{mess}{The message (object) to be saved.} \item{col}{A mongo collection object, produced with a call to \code{\link[mongolite]{mongo}()}.} \item{serialize}{A logical flag. If true, \code{\link[jsonlite]{serializeJSON}} is used to protect the \code{data} field (and other objects which might contain complex R code.} } \value{ Returns the message argument, which may be modified by setting the \code{"_id"} field if this is the first time saving the object. } \author{Russell Almond} \seealso{ \code{\link{as.json}}, \code{\linkS4class{P4Message}}, \code{\link{parseMessage}}, \code{\link{getOneRec}}, \code{\link[mongolite]{mongo}} } \examples{ \dontrun{## Need to set up database or code won't run. m1 <- P4Message("Fred","Task1","PP","Task Done", details=list("Selection"="B")) m2 <- P4Message("Fred","Task1","EI","New Obs", details=list("isCorrect"=TRUE,"Selection"="B")) m3 <- P4Message("Fred","Task1","EA","New Stats", details=list("score"=1,"theta"=0.12345,"noitems"=1)) testcol <- mongo("Messages", url="mongodb://test:secret@") ## Mongodb is the protocol ## user=test, password =secret ## Host = -- localhost ## Port = 27017 -- Mongo default ## db = test ## collection = Messages ## Save them back to capture the ID. m1 <- saveRec(m1,testcol) m2 <- saveRec(m2,testcol) m3 <- saveRec(m3,testcol) } } \keyword{ database }