\name{getOneRec} \alias{getOneRec} \alias{getManyRecs} \title{Fetches Messages from a Mongo databas} \description{ This function fetches \code{\linkS4class{P4Message}} objects from a \code{\link[mongolite]{mongo}} database. The message parser is passed as an argument, allowing it to fetch other kinds of objects than P4Messages. The function \code{getManyRecs} retrieves all matching objects and the function \code{getOneRec} retrieves the first matching object. } \usage{ getOneRec(jquery, col, parser, sort = c(timestamp = -1)) getManyRecs(jquery, col, parser, sort = c(timestamp = 1), limit=0) } \arguments{ \item{jquery}{A string providing a Mongo JQuery to select the appropriate records. See \code{\link{buildJQuery}}. } \item{col}{A \code{\link[mongolite]{mongo}} collection object to be queried. } \item{parser}{A function which will take the list of fields returned from the database and build an appropriate R object. See \code{\link{parseMessage}}. } \item{sort}{A named numeric vector giving sorting instructions. The names should correpond to fields of the objects, and the values should be positive or negative one for increasing or decreasing order. Use the value \code{NULL} to leave the results unsorted. } \item{limit}{A numeric scalar giving the maximum number of objects to retrieve. If 0, then all objects matching the query will be retrieved.} } \details{ This function assumes that a number of objects (usually, but not necessarily subclasses of \code{\link{P4Message}} objects) have been stored in a Mongo database. The \code{col} argument is the \code{\link[mongolite]{mongo}} object in which they are stored. These functions retrive the selected objects. The first argument should be a string containing a JSON query document. Normally, thes are constructed through a call to \code{\link{buildJQuery}}. The query is used to create an iterator over JSON documents stored in the database. At each round, the iterator extracts the JSON document as a (nested) list structure. This is pased to the \code{parser} function to build an object of the specified type. See the \code{\link{parseMessage}} function for an example parser. The sorting argument controls the way the returned list of objects is sorted. This should be a numeric vector with names giving the field for sorting. The default values \code{c("timestamp"=1)} and \code{c("timestamp"=-1)} sort the records in ascending and decending order respectively. In particular, the default value for \code{getOneRec} means that the most recent value will be returned. The defaults assume that \dQuote{timestamp} is a field of the stored object. To supress sorting of outputs, use \code{NULL} as the argument to \code{sort}. } \value{ The function \code{getOneRec} returns an object whose type is determined by the output of the \code{parser} function. If \code{\link{parseMessage}} is used, this will be a \code{\linkS4class{P4Message}} object. The function \code{getManyRecs} returns a list of object whose type is determined by the output of the \code{parser} function. } \references{ The MongoDB 4.0 Manual: \url{https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/} } \author{Russell Almond} \seealso{ \code{\link{saveRec}}, \code{\link{parseMessage}}, \code{\link{getOneRec}}, \code{\link{getManyRecs}} \code{\link[mongolite]{mongo}} } \examples{ \dontrun{ ## Requires Mongo test database to be set up. m1 <- P4Message("Fred","Task1","PP","Task Done", details=list("Selection"="B")) m2 <- P4Message("Fred","Task1","EI","New Obs", details=list("isCorrect"=TRUE,"Selection"="B")) m3 <- P4Message("Fred","Task1","EA","New Stats", details=list("score"=1,"theta"=0.12345,"noitems"=1)) testcol <- mongo("Messages", url="mongodb://test:secret@") ## Mongodb is the protocol ## user=test, password =secret ## Host = -- localhost ## Port = 27017 -- Mongo default ## db = test ## collection = Messages ## collection = Messages ## Execute in Mongo Shell ## db.createUser({ ## ... user: "test", ## ... pwd: "secret", ## ... roles: [{role: "readWrite", db: "test"}] ## ... }); m1 <- saveRec(m1,testcol) m2 <- saveRec(m2,testcol) m3 <- saveRec(m3,testcol) m1@data$time <- list(tim=25.4,units="secs") m1 <- saveRec(m1,testcol) ## Note use of oid keyword to fetch object by Mongo ID. m1a <- getOneRec(buildJQuery("_id"=c(oid=m1@"_id")),testcol,parseMessage) stopifnot(all.equal(m1,m1a)) m123 <- getManyRecs(buildJQuery(uid="Fred"),testcol,parseMessage) m23 <- getManyRecs(buildJQuery(uid="Fred",sender=c("EI","EA")), testcol,parseMessage) m321 <- getManyRecs(buildJQuery(uid="Fred",timestamp=c(lte=Sys.time())), testcol,parseMessage,sort=c(timestamp=-1)) getManyRecs(buildJQuery(uid="Fred", timestamp=c(gte=Sys.time()-as.difftime(1,units="hours"))), testcol,parseMessage) } } \keyword{ interface } \keyword{ database }