### Message -- A message send around the P4 system. setClass("P4Message", slots=c("_id"="character", #Mongo ID app="character", #Application ID uid="character", #User (student) ID context="character", #Task or other context ID sender="character", #Which process sent the message mess="character", #Action Identifier timestamp="POSIXt", #When action took place. processed="logical", #Has this message been processed by the reciever. pError="ANY", #Error occured while processing. data="list" #More details. )) setGeneric("m_id",function(x) standardGeneric("m_id")) setGeneric("app",function(x) standardGeneric("app")) setGeneric("uid",function(x) standardGeneric("uid")) setGeneric("mess",function(x) standardGeneric("mess")) setGeneric("context",function(x) standardGeneric("context")) setGeneric("sender",function(x) standardGeneric("sender")) setGeneric("timestamp",function(x) standardGeneric("timestamp")) setGeneric("details",function(x) standardGeneric("details")) setGeneric("processed",function(x) standardGeneric("processed")) setGeneric("processed<-",function(x, value) standardGeneric("processed<-")) setGeneric("processingError",function(x) standardGeneric("processingError")) setGeneric("processingError<-",function(x, value) standardGeneric("processingError<-")) setMethod("m_id","ANY", function(x) x@"_id") setMethod("app","P4Message", function(x) x@app) setMethod("uid","P4Message", function(x) x@uid) setMethod("mess","P4Message", function(x) x@mess) setMethod("context","P4Message", function(x) x@context) setMethod("sender","P4Message", function(x) x@sender) setMethod("timestamp","P4Message", function(x) x@timestamp) setMethod("details","P4Message", function(x) x@data) setMethod("processed","P4Message", function(x) x@processed) setMethod("processed<-","P4Message", function(x,value) { x@processed <- as.logical(value) x}) setMethod("processingError","P4Message", function(x) x@pError) setMethod("processingError<-","P4Message", function(x,value) { x@pError <- value x}) P4Message <- function(uid,context,sender,mess,timestamp=Sys.time(), details=list(),app="default", processed=FALSE) { new("P4Message",app=app,uid=uid,context=context,sender=sender, mess=mess, timestamp=timestamp,data=details,processed=processed, pError=NULL, "_id"=c(oid=NA_character_)) } setMethod("toString","P4Message", function(x, ...) { paste('P4Message:{ uid:',x@uid,', context:',x@context, ',', x@sender, "says:", x@mess, '}') }) setMethod("show","P4Message",function(object) { cat(toString(object),"\n") }) setGeneric("as.json",function(x,serialize=TRUE) standardGeneric("as.json")) setGeneric("as.jlist",function(obj,ml,serialize=TRUE) standardGeneric("as.jlist")) setMethod("as.json","ANY", function(x,serialize=TRUE) { jlist <- as.jlist(x,attributes(x),serialize) toJSON(jlist,POSIXt="mongo") }) setMethod("as.jlist",c("P4Message","list"), function(obj,ml,serialize=TRUE) { ml$"_id" <- NULL ml$class <-NULL ## Use manual unboxing for finer control. ml$app <- unboxer(ml$app) ml$uid <- unboxer(ml$uid) ml$processed <- unboxer(ml$processed) if (!is.null(ml$context) && length(ml$context)==1L) ml$context <- unboxer(ml$context) if (!is.null(ml$sender) && length(ml$sender)==1L) ml$sender <- unboxer(ml$sender) if (!is.null(ml$mess) && length(ml$mess)==1L) ml$mess <- unboxer(ml$mess) ml$timestamp <- unboxer(ml$timestamp) # Auto_unbox bug. ## Saves name data ml$data <- unparseData(ml$data,serialize) ## explicit null value creates problem, so drop pError if null. ## note attributes maps NULL to a symbol '\001NULL\001' if (is.null(ml$pError) || ml$pError == '\001NULL\001') { ml["pError"] <- NULL } else { ml$pError <- serializeJSON(ml$pError) } ml }) saveRec <- function (mess, col, serialize=TRUE) { jso <- as.json(mess,serialize) if (is.na(mess@"_id")) { ## Insert col$insert(jso) it <- col$iterate(jso,'{"_id":true}',limit=1) mess@"_id" <- it$one()$"_id" names(mess@"_id") <- "oid" ## Aids in extraction } else { if (col$count(paste('{"_id":{"$oid":"',mess@"_id",'"}}',sep=""))) { ## Replace col$update(paste('{"_id":{"$oid":"',mess@"_id",'"}}',sep=""), paste('{"$set":',jso,'}',sep="")) } else { ## ID is out of date, instert and get new ID. col$insert(jso) it <- col$iterate(jso,'{"_id":true}',limit=1) mess@"_id" <- it$one()$"_id" names(mess@"_id") <- "oid" ## Aids in extraction } } mess } markAsProcessed <- function (mess,col) { processed(mess) <- TRUE col$update(paste('{"_id":{"$oid":"',mess@"_id",'"}}',sep=""), '{"$set": {"processed":true}}') mess } markAsError <- function (mess,col, e) { processingError(mess) <- e col$update(paste('{"_id":{"$oid":"',mess@"_id",'"}}',sep=""), sprintf('{"$set": {"pError":%s}}', serializeJSON(processingError(mess)))) mess } ## as.vector suppresses the names which are harmless, but make writing ## test suites harder. ## The cleanning code gets reused by other classes which inherit from ## P4Message. ## toJSON | fromJSON on an empty list will change the type, so need to ## check for empty lists. cleanMessageJlist <- function (rec) { if (is.null(rec$"_id")) rec$"_id" <- NA_character_ names(rec$"_id") <- "oid" if (is.null(rec$app) || length(rec$app) == 0L) rec$app <- "default" if (is.null(rec$context) || length(rec$context) == 0L) rec$context <-"" if (is.null(rec$mess) || length(rec$mess) == 0L) rec$mess <-"" if (is.null(rec$sender)|| length(rec$sender) == 0L) rec$sender <-"" if (is.null(rec$processed)) rec$processed <- FALSE if (is.null(rec$timestamp)) rec$timestamp <- Sys.time() if (!is.null(rec$pError)) rec$pError <- unserializeJSON(rec$pError) rec } parseMessage<- function (rec) { rec <- cleanMessageJlist(rec) new("P4Message","_id"=ununboxer(rec$"_id"), app=as.vector(ununboxer(rec$app)), uid=as.vector(ununboxer(rec$uid)), context=as.vector(ununboxer(rec$context)), sender=as.vector(ununboxer(rec$sender)), mess=as.vector(ununboxer(rec$mess)), timestamp=as.POSIXlt(ununboxer(rec$timestamp)), processed=ununboxer(rec$processed), pError=rec$pError, data=parseData(rec$data)) } ## Older and simpler parser, but this might work with non-serialized ## content. parseSimpleData <- function (messData) { ##Need to convert back from list to numeric/character if (length(messData) == 0L) return(list()) for (i in 1:length(messData)) { datum <- messData[[i]] if (all(sapply(datum,is.character)) && all(sapply(datum,length)==1L)) { datum <- as.character(datum) names(datum) <- names(messData[[i]]) } if (all(sapply(datum,is.logical)) && all(sapply(datum,length)==1L)) { datum <- as.logical(datum) names(datum) <- names(messData[[i]]) } if (all(sapply(datum,is.numeric)) && all(sapply(datum,length)==1L)) { if (all(sapply(datum,is.integer))) { datum <- as.integer(datum) } else { datum <- as.numeric(datum) } names(datum) <- names(messData[[i]]) } ## May need an extra step here to decode data which ## are not one of the primative vector types. messData[[i]] <- datum } messData } parseData <- function (messData) { if (is.character(messData)) { unserializeJSON(messData) } else { parseSimpleData(messData) } } unparseData <- function (data,serialize=TRUE) { if (serialize) unbox(serializeJSON(data)) else unboxer(data) } mongoQueries <- c("eq","gt","gte","lt","lte","ne","nin","in","","oid") #### Need to override jsonlite::unbox as it doesn't properly handle POSIXt objects. unboxer <- function (x) { if (length(x) == 1L && is(x,"POSIXt")) { jsonlite:::as.scalar(x) } else if (is(x,"list")) { lapply(x,function (s) lapply(s,unboxer)) #Saves name data. } else { if (length(x) == 1L) { jsonlite::unbox(x) } else { x } } } ## Need this for testing. ununboxer <- function (x) { if (is(x,"scalar")) class(x) <- setdiff(class(x),"scalar") if (is.list(x)) x <- lapply(x, function(s) { if (is(s,"POSIXt")) { ununboxer(s) } else { sapply(s,ununboxer) }}) x } buildJQterm <- function (name,value) { if (length(value)==0L) stop("Query term ",name,"has no value.") compOps <- names(value) names(value) <- NULL if (is.null(compOps)) { if (length(value) == 1L) { ## Singleton query. vstring <- toJSON(unboxer(value),POSIXt="mongo") } else { ## Unmarked $in query vstring <- paste('{"$in":',toJSON(value,POSIXt="mongo"),'}',sep="") } } else { if(!all(compOps %in% mongoQueries)) { stop("Unspported operator ",compOps[!(compOps%in%mongoQueries)], " in query for field ",name) } if(compOps[1]=="nin" || compOps[1]=="in" || compOps[1]=="") { ## Special Handling for (n)in query) op <- ifelse(compOps[1]=="","in",compOps[1]) vstring <- paste('{"$',op,'":',toJSON(value,POSIXt="mongo"),'}',sep="") } else { ## iterate over values. vstring <- sapply(1:length(compOps), function (i) paste('"$',compOps[i],'":', toJSON(unboxer(value[i]),POSIXt="mongo"), sep="")) vstring <- paste('{',paste(vstring,collapse=", "),'}') } } paste('"',name,'":',vstring,sep="") } buildJQuery <- function (...,rawfields=character()) { terms <- list(...) fields <- names(terms) jstrings <- sapply(fields,function(f) buildJQterm(f,terms[[f]])) jstrings <- c(jstrings,rawfields) query <- paste('{',paste(jstrings,collapse=", "),'}') flog.trace("Query = ",query,capture=TRUE) query } getOneRec <- function(jquery,col,parser,sort=c("timestamp"=-1)) { sorts <- paste('{',paste(paste('"',names(sort),'":',sort,sep=""), collapse=", "),'}') it <- col$iterate(jquery,'{}',sort=sorts,limit=1) rec <- it$one() if (is.null(rec)) return(rec) do.call(parser,list(rec)) } getManyRecs <- function(jquery,col,parser,sort=c("timestamp"=1), limit = 0) { sorts <- paste('{',paste(paste('"',names(sort),'":',sort,sep=""), collapse=", "),'}') n <- col$count(jquery) if (limit>0) n <- min(n,limit) result <- vector("list",n) it <- col$iterate(jquery,'{}',sort=sorts,limit=limit) nn <- 1 while (!is.null(rec <- it$one())) { result[[nn]] <- do.call(parser,list(rec)) nn <- nn +1 } result } all.equal.P4Message <- function (target, current, ...,checkTimestamp=FALSE,check_ids=TRUE) { if (!is(current,"P4Message")) return(paste("Target is 'P4Message' and current is '",class(current),"'.")) msg <- character() if (check_ids) if ((is.na(target@"_id") && !is.na(current@"_id")) || (!is.na(target@"_id") && !isTRUE(all.equal(target@"_id", current@"_id")))) msg <- c(msg,"Database IDs do not match.") if (app(target) != app(current)) msg <- c(msg,"Application IDs do not match.") if (uid(target) != uid(current)) msg <- c(msg,"User IDs do not match.") if (context(target) != context(current)) msg <- c(msg,"Contexts do not match.") if (!(length(sender(target))==0L && length(sender(current))==0L) && any(sender(target) != sender(current))) msg <- c(msg,"Senders do not match.") if (!(length(mess(target))==0L && length(mess(current))==0L) && any(mess(target) != mess(current))) msg <- c(msg,"Messages do not match.") ## Check Data namet <- names(target@data) namec <- names(current@data) if (length(target@data) != length(current@data) || !setequal(namet,namec)) { msg <- c(msg,"Names or number of data differ.") if (length(setdiff(namet,namec)) > 0L) msg <- c(msg,paste("Data in target but not in current:", setdiff(namet,namec))) if (length(setdiff(namec,namet)) > 0L) msg <- c(msg,paste("Data in current but not in target:", setdiff(namec,namet))) } msgd <- all.equal(target@data,current@data,...) if (!isTRUE(msgd)) msg <- c(msg,msgd) ## Timestamp if (checkTimestamp) { if (abs(timestamp(target)-timestamp(current)) > asif.difftime(list(secs=.1))) msg <- c(msg,"Timestamps differ by more than .1 secs") } ## Return true if message list is empty. if (length(msg)==0L) TRUE else msg }