\name{Pnode-class} \Rdversion{1.1} \docType{class} \alias{Pnode-class} \title{Class \code{"Pnode"}} \description{ This is a virtual class. Classes implementing the Pnet protocol should attach themselves using \code{\link[methods]{setIs}}. Note that \code{NULL} is always considered a member so that uninitialized in containers. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ A virtual Class: No objects may be created from it. Classes can register as belonging to this abstract class. The trick for doing this is: \code{ setIs("NodeClass","Pnode") } Currently \code{\link[RNetica]{NeticaNode}} is an example of an object of this class (but requires the \code{PNetica} package to provide all of the required functionality). } \section{Methods}{ No methods defined with class "Pnode" in the signature; however, the following generic functions are available: \describe{ \item{\link{PnodeName}}{\code{signature(node = "Pnode")}: Fetches node name. } \item{\link{PnodeName<-}}{\code{signature(node = "Pnode", value="character")}: Sets node name. } \item{\link{PnodeTitle}}{\code{signature(node = "Pnode")}: Fetches node title. } \item{\link{PnodeTitle<-}}{\code{signature(node = "Pnode", value="character")}: Sets node title. } \item{\link{PnodeDescription}}{\code{signature(node = "Pnode")}: Fetches documentation string for node. } \item{\link{PnodeDescription<-}}{\code{signature(node = "Pnode", value="character")}: Sets documentation string for node. } \item{\link{PnodeLabels}}{\code{signature(node = "Pnode")}: Fetches a vector of lables assigned to this node. } \item{\link{PnodeLabels<-}}{\code{signature(node = "Pnode", value = "character")}: Sets vector of labels assigned to this node. hub model. } \item{\link{PnodeNumStates}}{\code{signature(node = "Pnode")}: Fetches length of vector of states available for this node. } \item{\link{PnodeStates}}{\code{signature(node = "Pnode")}: Fetches vector of states available for this node. } \item{\link{PnodeStates<-}}{\code{signature(node = "Pnode", value)}: Sets vector of states for this node. } \item{\link{PnodeStateTitles}}{\code{signature(node = "Pnode")}: Fetches vector of states available for this node. } \item{\link{PnodeStateTitles<-}}{\code{signature(node = "Pnode", value)}: Sets vector of states for this node. } \item{\link{PnodeStateDescriptions}}{\code{signature(node = "Pnode")}: Fetches vector of states available for this node. } \item{\link{PnodeStateDescriptions<-}}{\code{signature(node = "Pnode", value)}: Sets vector of states for this node. } \item{\link{PnodeStateValues}}{\code{signature(node = "Pnode")}: Fetches vector of numeric values associated with states for this node. } \item{\link{PnodeStateValues<-}}{\code{signature(node = "Pnode", value)}: Sets vector of numeric values associated with states for this node. } \item{\link{PnodeStateBounds}}{\code{signature(node = "Pnode")}: Fetches matrix of upper and lower bounds for discritized states of a continuous node. } \item{\link{PnodeStateBounds<-}}{\code{signature(node = "Pnode", value)}: Sets matrix of upper and lower bounds for discritized states of a continuous node. } \item{\link{PnodeParents}}{\code{signature(node = "Pnode")}: Fetches a list of the nodes parents. } \item{\link{PnodeParents<-}}{\code{signature(node = "Pnode", value = "list")}: Sets a list of the nodes parents. } \item{\link{PnodeParentNames}}{\code{signature(node = "Pnode")}: Lists the names of the parents. } \item{\link{PnodeNumParents}}{\code{signature(node = "Pnode")}: The length of the parent vector. } \item{\link{isPnodeContinuous}}{\code{signature(node = "Pnode")}: Copies nodes from hub model into spoke model. } \item{\link{PnodeProbs}}{\code{signature(node = "Pnode")}: Fetchs the conditional probability table for the node.} \item{\link{PnodeProbs<-}}{\code{signature(node = "Pnode", value = "array")}: Sets the conditional probability table for the node.} \item{\link{PnodeEvidence}}{\code{signature(node = "Pnode")}: Fetches the current instantiated evidence for this node. } \item{\link{PnodeEvidence<-}}{\code{signature(node = "Pnode", value)}: Sets the instantiated evidence for this node. } \item{\link{PnodeMargin}}{\code{signature(node = "Pnode")}: Computes the vector of marginal beliefs associated with the state of this node given the evidence. } \item{\link{PnodeEAP}}{\code{signature(node = "Pnode")}: Computes the expected value of a node given the evidence. This assumes node states are assigned numeric values. } \item{\link{PnodeSD}}{\code{signature(node = "Pnode")}: Computes the standard deviation of a node given the evidence. This assumes node states are assigned numeric values. } \item{\link{PnodeMedian}}{\code{signature(node = "Pnode")}: Computes the median of a node given the evidence. This assumes node states are ordered. } \item{\link{PnodeMedian}}{\code{signature(node = "Pnode")}: Computes the most likely state of a node given the evidence. } } } \author{ Russell Almond } \seealso{ \code{\link{Pnode}}. The class \code{\link[RNetica]{NeticaNode}} implements this protocol. } \examples{ showClass("Pnode") \dontrun{ setIs("NeticaNode","Pnode") } } \keyword{classes}