\name{PnetSerialize} \alias{PnetSerialize} \alias{PnetUnserialize} \alias{unserializePnet} \alias{WarehouseUnpack} \title{Writes/restores network from a string.} \description{ The \code{PnetSerialize} method writes the network to a string and returns a list containting both the serialized data and type information. The \code{PnetUnserialize} method restores the data. Note that the serialized form must contain either the name of the type or the name of the factory used to restore the object (see details). } \usage{ PnetSerialize(net) PnetUnserialize(serial) unserializePnet(factory,data) WarehouseUnpack(warehouse, serial) } \arguments{ \item{net}{A \code{\link{Pnet}} to be serialized.} \item{factory}{A character scalar containing the name of a global variable which contains a factory object capable of recreating the network from the data.} \item{warehouse}{A object of the type \code{\linkS4class{PnetWarehouse}} which will contain a link to the appropriate factory.} \item{serial}{A list containing at least three elements. One is the name of the network. One is the \code{data} element which contains the serialized data as a raw vector. The third is either a \code{factory} element containing the name of a global symbol containing a factory for reading the object or a \code{type} argument giving the name of the constructor.} \item{data}{A list containing at least two elements. One is the name of the network. One is the \code{data} element which contains the serialized data as a raw vector.} } \details{ The intention of this function is to serialize the network in such a way that it can be saved to a database and restored. The result of a call to \code{PnetSerialize} is a list with three elements. One element is called \code{data} and contains the actual serialize data. The second element is called \code{name} and it should be an identifier for the network (the result of \code{\link{PnetName}}). The last element is either \code{factory} or \code{type}. In either case, they should be a string. The list may contain other elements, but these may be ignored by other programs. The intent is to provide a representation that can be saved to a database. The \code{data} element should be a raw vector (e.g., the output of \code{\link[base]{serialize}(...,NULL)}) and will be stored as a blob (binary large object) and the other elements should be strings. Document based databases (e.g., \link[mongolite]{mongo}) may handle the additional fields but relational database will have difficulty with them, so implementers should only rely on the three fields. The function \code{PnetUnserialize} reverses this operation. If \code{factory} is supplied, then the factory protocol is used for restoration. If \code{type} is supplied instead, then the type string protocol is used. If both are supplied, then the factory protocol is preferred, and if neither is supplied, an error is signaled. The function \code{unserializePnet} is a generic function used by the factory protocol. If a \code{Pnet} already exists with the given name, then it is replaced, otherwise a new one is created. } \section{Factory Protocol}{ A factory is an object of a class for which a method for the \code{unserializePnet} generic function is defined. This method should return an object of type \code{\link{Pnet}}. Thus the \code{Peanut} package doesn't need to know the implementaiton details. Typically factories are global (static in java lanugage) objects. In this case the \code{factory} object should be the name of the factory (as it will need to be serialized). The \code{\link[base]{get}} function is used to retrieve its value, so typically it is stored in \code{.GlobalEnv}. The factory protocol allows other kind of flexibility as well, including being able to encapsulate a reference to loaded objects, so this is the preferred method. } \section{Type String Protocol}{ This mechanism mimics the S3 method dispatch method, although it doesn't really use it. If the argument to \code{PnetUnserialize} has a \code{type} field (but no \code{factory} field) then it will call a funciton called \code{PnetUnserialize.}\emph{type}. } \value{ The \code{PnetSerialize} function returns a list with the following elements: \item{name}{The name of the network. If this matches an existing network, then it will be replaced on unserialize, otherwise a new network will be created.} \item{data}{Serialized data for the network. This should be a raw vector.} \item{factory}{The name of a global object which can restore networks from serialized data.} \item{type}{The name of a class for which an \code{PnetUnserialize.}\emph{type} method exits.} \item{...}{There may be other data, but note that programs saving/restoring the serialized representation may not know how to handle these extra fields.} The \code{PnetUnserialize} and \code{unserializePnet} functions return an object of type \code{\link{Pnet}}. } \author{Russell Almond} \note{ The first use of this function was designed to save/restore a network from a \link[mongolite]{mongo} database. This format easily supports extra fields in the return list. The samething is true if the network is serialized using either JSON/BSON or the normal R \code{\link[base]{dump}} mechanism. On the other hand, if the network is to be stored in a SQL database, the using program will not have places to store the extra fields. } \seealso{ \code{\link{Pnet}}, \code{\link{Warehouse}} } \examples{ \dontrun{ library(mongolite) library(jsonlite) library(PNetica) sess <- NeticaSession() startSession(sess) collect <- mongo("studentModels","test", "mongodb://") ## Or "mongodb://user:pwd@" ## An example network manifest. netman1 <- read.csv(paste(library(help="Peanut")$path, "auxdata", "Mini-PP-Nets.csv", sep=.Platform$file.sep), row.names=1, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) netpath <- file.path(library(help="PNetica")$path, "testnets") netman1$Pathname <- file.path(netpath,netman1$Pathname) Nethouse <- BNWarehouse(manifest=netman1,session=sess,key="Name") pm.net <- WarehouseSupply(Nethouse, "miniPP_CM") sm.net <- CopyNetworks(pm.net,"Student1") sm.ser <- PnetSerialize(sm.net) ## base 64 encode the data to make it easier to store. sm.ser$data <- base64_enc(sm.ser$data) collect$replace(paste('{"name":"',sm.ser$name,'"}'), toJSON(lapply(sm.ser,unbox)), upsert=TRUE) ## Use iterator method to find, so we get in list rather than data frame ## representation. it <- collect$iterate(sprintf('{"name":"\%s"}',"Student1"),limit=1) sm1.ser <- it$one() ## Decode back to the raw vector. sm1.ser$data <- base64_dec(sm1.ser$data) DeleteNetwork(sm.net) sm1 <- WarehouseUnpack(Nethouse,sm1.ser) stopifnot(PnetName(sm1)=="Student1") DeleteNetwork(sm1) sm1a <- unserializePnet(sess,sm1.ser) stopifnot(PnetName(sm1a)=="Student1") DeleteNetwork(sm1a) #Unserialize needs a reference to the "factory" (in this case session.). sm1.ser$factory <- "sess" sm1b <- PnetUnserialize(sm1.ser) stopifnot(PnetName(sm1b)=="Student1") stopSession(sess) } } \keyword{ IO } \keyword{ graphs }