\name{BuildTable.NeticaNode} \alias{BuildTable.NeticaNode} \title{Builds the conditional probability table for a Pnode} \description{ The function \code{BuildTable} calls \code{\link[CPTtools]{calcDPCFrame}} to calculate the conditional probability for a \code{\link{Pnode}} object, and sets the current conditional probability table of \code{node} to the resulting value. It also sets the \code{\link[RNetica]{NodeExperience}(node)} to the current value of \code{\link[Peanut]{GetPriorWeight}(node)}. } \usage{ \method{BuildTable}{NeticaNode}(node) } \arguments{ \item{node}{A \code{\link{Pnode.NeticaNode}} object whose table is to be built.} } \details{ The fields of the \code{\link{Pnode}} object correspond to the arguments of the \code{\link[CPTtools]{calcDPCTable}} function. The output conditional probability table is then set in the node object in using the \code{[]} (\link[RNetica]{Extract.NeticaNode}) operator. In addition to setting the CPT, the weight given to the nodes in the EM algorithm are set to \code{\link[Peanut]{GetPriorWeight}(node)}, which will extract the value of \code{\link[Peanut]{PnodePriorWeight}(node)} or if that is null, the value of \code{\link[Peanut]{PnetPriorWeight}(\link[RNetica]{NodeParents}(node))} and set \code{\link[RNetica]{NodeExperience}(node)} to the resulting value. } \value{ The \code{node} argument is returned invisibly. As a side effect the conditional probability table and experience of \code{node} is modified. } \references{ Almond, R. G. (2015) An IRT-based Parameterization for Conditional Probability Tables. Paper presented at the 2015 Bayesian Application Workshop at the Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence Conference. } \author{Russell Almond} \seealso{ \code{\link{Pnode.NeticaNode}}, \code{\link[Peanut]{Pnode}}, \code{\link[Peanut]{PnodeQ}}, \code{\link[Peanut]{PnodePriorWeight}}, \code{\link[Peanut]{PnodeRules}}, \code{\link[Peanut]{PnodeLink}}, \code{\link[Peanut]{PnodeLnAlphas}}, \code{\link[Peanut]{PnodeAlphas}}, \code{\link[Peanut]{PnodeBetas}}, \code{\link[Peanut]{PnodeLinkScale}},\code{\link[Peanut]{GetPriorWeight}}, \code{\link[CPTtools]{calcDPCTable}}, \code{\link[RNetica]{NodeExperience}(node)}, \code{\link[RNetica]{[.NeticaNode}} % ] } \examples{ } \keyword{ distribution }