\name{ParameterObject} \alias{ParameterObject} \alias{NullParameter} \alias{pvec} \alias{pvec<-} \title{A generic parameter for a proficiency or evidence model} \description{ This is a generic representation for a parameter set for either a \code{\link{ProficiencyModel}} or an \code{\link{EvidenceModel}}. The actual details will vary with the implementation. Usually parameter objects are designed to work with a specific proficiency or evidence model. } \usage{ ParameterObject(...) pvec(param) pvec(param) <- value NullParameter() } \arguments{ \item{\dots}{ These will depend on the implementing class, usually the various parameters. } \item{param}{A \code{ParameterObject} whose parameters are to be accessed.} \item{value}{A numeric vector containing the new parameters.} } \details{ Generally the details of this object type are given by the implementation. See the Subclasses below. The method \code{pvec} returns all of the parameters as a single vector. This is used for optimization routines. The \code{NullParameter} object is a special parameter to be used when a placeholder for a parameter to be supplied later is needed. } \value{ \code{ParameterObject()} would return an object of type \code{ParameterObject}, but it does not work as \code{ParameterObject} is an abstract class. \code{NullParameter()} returns an object of type \code{NullParameter}. The generic function \code{pvec} returns the parameters in vectorized form. } \references{ %% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ } \author{Russell Almond} \seealso{ Instances: \code{NullParameter}, \code{\link{TimelessNormalParam}}. Contained By: \code{\link{AbstractModel}} } \examples{ np <- NullParameter() stopifnot(is(np,"ParameterObject")) ## Abstract class, see TimelessNormalParam for an example. } \keyword{ class }