\name{FixedQNormalParam} \alias{FixedQNormalParam} \alias{getH} \alias{getHvec} \alias{getH<-} \alias{getR} \alias{getz} \title{Parameter for the FixedQNormalPM } \description{ The \code{\link{FixedQNormalEM}} is a proficiency model for a single time point where both the proficiency and observation are multidimensional. The parameter consists of a set of proficiency weights, \code{Hvec}, a mean vector, \code{z}, and a covariance matrix, \code{R}. } \usage{ FixedQNormalParam(...) getHvec(param) getH(param,Q) getH(param,Q) <- value getz(param) getR(param) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{\dots}{ A list of values. This should include \code{H} and \code{R} matrixes and a \code{z} vector. } \item{param}{ A \code{FixedQNormalParam} object whose paramers are desired. } \item{value}{ A new value for the indicated parameter. } \item{Q}{ A Q-matrix. } } \details{ This class is the parameter object corresponding to the \code{\link{FixedQNormalEM}} object. The slot \code{z} contains the mean vector for the observables and the slot \code{R} contains the covariance matrix. The loadings for the proficiency variables are \code{H*Q}, where \code{H} is the matrix form of the loadings, and \code{Q} is a structural matrix provided by the evidence model. As elements of \code{H} that correspond to zero element of \code{Q} have no impact on the distribution of the observable, \code{Hvec} is stored in a way that squeezes out these zero elements. The functions \code{getH} and \code{getH<-} manipulate the loadings in the matrix form and the function \code{getHvec} works on compress vector. } \value{ A \code{FixedQNormalParam} object with slots: \item{Hvec}{Loadings (as a vector with zeros removed).} \item{z}{Mean vector} \item{R}{Covariance matrix}. The functions \code{getmu} and \code{getSigma} return the value of the corresponding slots. } \references{ %% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ } \author{Russell Almond} \seealso{ Superclass: \code{\link{ParameterObject}} Subclasses: Used By: \code{\link{FixedQNormalEM}} } \examples{ Q <- matrix(c(1,0,1,1),2,2) p1 <- new("FixedQNormalParam", Hvec = matrix(c(.7,.3,.3,.7),2,2)[abs(Q)>0], z=c(Mechanics=0,Fluencey=0), R=diag(c(.65,.65),2,2)) getHvec(p1) getH(p1,Q) getR(p1) getz(p1) pvec(p1) diag(getH(p1,Q)) <- c(1,.9) stopifnot(sum(abs(pvec(p1)[1:3]-c(1,.3,.9))) <.0001) pvec(p1)[4]<-3 stopifnot (getz(p1)==c(3,0)) pvec(p1)[8] <- .25 stopifnot(abs(getR(p1)[lower.tri(getR(p1))]-.25) < .0001) } \keyword{ class }