library(R.utils) library(EIEvent) if (interactive()) { ## Edit these for the local application app <- "ecd://" loglevel <- "DEBUG" cleanFirst <- TRUE } else { app <- cmdArg("app",NULL) if (is.null(app) || !grepl("^ecd://",app)) stop("No app specified, use '--args app=ecd://...'") loglevel <- cmdArg("level","INFO") cleanFirst <- as.logical(cmdArg("clean",FALSE)) } eventFile <- NULL ## Adjust the path here as necessary source("/usr/local/share/Proc4/EIini.R") ## Setup logging if (interactive()) { flog.appender(appender.tee(logfile)) } else { flog.appender(appender.file(logfile)) } flog.threshold(loglevel) ## Setup Listeners listeners <- lapply(names(EI.listenerSpecs), function (ll),EI.listenerSpecs[[ll]])) names(listeners) <- names(EI.listenerSpecs) if (interactive()) { cl <- new("CaptureListener") listeners <- c(listeners,cl=cl) } flist <- c(uid = "character", context = "character", blowerManip="numeric", BouncinessRun="logical", agentsUsed="list",lastAgent="factor('lever','pendulum','ramp','springboard')", badge="ordered('none','silver','gold')", attempts="numeric", NumberPufferManip="numeric", massManip="numeric", airManip="numeric",gravityManip="numeric",levelTime="difftime", bankBalance="numeric") tl <- TableListener(name=paste(ppObs,basename(app),sep="."), flist,"New Observables") listeners <- c(listeners,tl=tl) ## Make the EIEngine eng <-,c(EIeng.params,list(listeners=listeners), EIeng.common)) ## Clean out old records from the database. if (cleanFirst) { eng$eventdb()$update(buildJQuery(app=app(eng)), '{"$set":{"processed":false}}', multiple=TRUE) eng$userRecords$clearAll(FALSE) #Don't clear default eng$listenerSet$messdb()$remove(buildJQuery(app=app(eng))) for (lis in eng$listenerSet$listeners) { if (is(lis,"UpdateListener") || is(lis,"InjectionListener")) lis$messdb()$remove(buildJQuery(app=app(eng))) } } ## Process Event file if supplied if (!is.null(eventFile)) { system2("mongoimport", sprintf('-d %s -c Events --jsonArray', eng$dbname), stdin=eventFile) ## Count the number of unprocessed events } if (!is.null(eventFile)) { ## This can be set to a different number to process only a subset of events. NN <- eng$eventdb()$count(buildJQuery(app=app(eng),processed=FALSE)) eng$processN <- NN } ## Activate engine (if not already activated.) eng$activate() mainLoop(eng) ## This is for running the loop by hand. if (interactive() && FALSE) { eve <- eng$fetchNextEvent() out <- handleEvent(eng,eve) eng$setProcessed(eve) } ## This shows the details of the last message. If the test script is ## set up properly, this should be the observables. ppObs <- returnDF(tl) write.csv(ppobs,paste(name(tl),"csv",sep="."))