* Rule Test & Complete Test * Better Handling for missing (mispelled) fields in Tests o [doc] Load Rule Set * Execute Tests * Event Loop o [test] Process Event Code * Grab Event Code EIEngine Methods that need tests o [doc] handleEvent Classes to write methods for: * EIEngine - Start/Stop - testRules o [write] TestSet o [test] runTest * Database Setup -- check schemas in setupMongo.js o [test] Durations must show in seconds [Bug 86] o [test] parseXXX methods should be robust to [Bug 69] - issues with training spaces on context or other fields - robust to errors saves as list instead of simple string o [test] Reset rules need to be based on old rather than new context. [Bug 82] * Difftime parsing issues [Proc4 issue?] [Bug 80] - {time:"40", units:"secs"} needs to be parsed as a difftime. - make sure that all.equal(as.difftime(60,units="secs"),as.difftime(1,units="mins")) is true. * Listener that unbundles keylists. [Bug 78] * Listener that converts lists to strings. * Need duplicate key association lists. [Bug 77] o [test] Make ANY and ALL synnonymous [Bug 83] * Update parser so that the "final" field can be either a message or a state. [Bug 81] * Integerated game tester [Bug 72] * Shiny interface for Loader [Bug 70] * Shiny interface for EIEvent script [Bug 70] * Bug in all.equal.Status, need to match - character() and integer() - NA_character_ and NA_logical_