\name{runRule} \alias{runRule} \alias{runTRule} \title{Runs a specific rule in a particular application.} \description{ The function \code{runRule} runs a \code{\linkS4class{Rule}} against a particular \code{\linkS4class{Status}} (state) and \code{\linkS4class{Event}}. The function \code{runTRule} is a special version for trigger rules that sends the generated message, if any, to the listeners. } \usage{ runRule(state, event, rule, phase) runTRule(state, event, rule, listeners) } \arguments{ \item{state}{An object of class \code{\linkS4class{Status}} which describes the current state for the person.} \item{event}{An object of class \code{\linkS4class{Event}} which describes the current event being processed.} \item{rule}{An object of class \code{\linkS4class{Rule}} which is the rule to be executed.} \item{phase}{An object of type character giving the phase being executed, used mainly for logging and error reporting.} \item{listenerSet}{An object of class \code{\linkS4class{Listener}} (often a \code{\linkS4class{ListenerSet}} which will receive the messages from the trigger rules.} } \details{ The function \code{runRule()} runs the rule logic. For more about rule logic, see \code{\linkS4class{Rule}}. The function first runs \code{\link{checkCondition}} to check if the rule is statisfied or not. If the condition is satisfied, then the predicate of the rule will be run using \code{\link{executePredicate}}. The resulting state object is returned. The function \code{runTRule()} is similar, but meant specifically for trigger rules. Instead of \code{executePredicate}, the function \code{\link{buildMessages}} is used to build a list of messages. These are then sent to the \code{listenerSet} argument using its \code{notifyListeners} method. The rules are executed under \code{\link[Proc4]{withFlogging}} protection. This means that if an error is encountered, the error message is logged (along with debugging information depending on the current logging threshold). In this case, and object of class \code{try-error} is returned instead of the normal error return. } \value{ The function \code{runRule} returns the modified \code{\linkS4class{Status}} object. The function \code{runTRule} returns a list of \code{\linkS4class{P4Message}} objects. In either case, if an error occurs, then an object of class \code{try-error} is returned instead of the normal value. } \references{ The document \dQuote{Rules Of Evidence} gives extensive documentation for the rule system. \url{https://pluto.coe.fsu.edu/Proc4/RulesOfEvidence.pdf}. } \author{Russell Almond} \note{ This function uses the \code{\link[futile.logger]{flog.logger}} mechanism. The following information is reported at various thresholds: \describe{ \item{TRACE}{The results of \code{checkCondition} are reported.} \item{DEBUG}{When an error occurs information about the state, event and rule where the error occurred as well a stack trace are logged.} \item{INFO and above}{If an error occurs the error is logged along with context information.} } } \seealso{ \link{Conditions} and \link{Predicates} each have detailed descriptions. The functions \code{\link{checkCondition}} and \code{\link{executePredicate}} run the condition and predicate parts of the rule. The functions \code{\link{runRule}} and \code{\link{runTRule}} run the indivual rules, and the functions \code{\link{runTriggerRules}}, \code{\link{runStatusRules}}, \code{\link{runObservableRules}}, \code{\link{runResetRules}}, and \code{\link{runContextRules}} run sets of rules. The functions \code{\link{testQuery}} and \code{\link{testQueryScript}} can be used to test that rule conditions function properly. The functions \code{\link{testPredicate}} and \code{\link{testPredicateScript}} can be used to test that predicates function properly. The functions \code{\link{testRule}} and \code{\link{testRuleScript}} can be used to test that rule conditions and predicates function properly together. The class \code{\linkS4class{RuleTest}} stores a rule test. Other classes in the EIEvent system: \code{\linkS4class{EIEngine}}, \code{\linkS4class{Context}}, \code{\linkS4class{Status}}, \code{\linkS4class{Event}}, \code{\linkS4class{RuleTable}}. } \examples{ ### runRule st0 <- Status(uid="Test0",context="Stairs", timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-09-25 12:12:28 EDT"), observables=list(agentsUsed=list(), lastAgent=NA)) evnt1 <- Event(uid="Test0", verb="identified",object="game object", context="Stairs", timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-09-25 12:12:29 EDT"), details= list("gemeObjectType"="Lever")) st1exp <- Status(uid="Test0",context="Stairs", timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-09-25 12:12:28 EDT"), observables=list(agentsUsed=list("Lever"), lastAgent="Lever")) r2o <- Rule(name="Update agent used.", doc="Adds the agent to the agent list, and sets the last agent.", context="Sketching", verb="identified", object="game object", ruleType="Observable", condition=list(event.data.gemeObjectType=c("Ramp", "Lever", "Springboard", "Pendulum")), predicate=list("!set"=list("state.observables.lastAgent"= "event.data.gemeObjectType"), "!push"=list("state.observables.agentsUsed"= "event.data.gemeObjectType"))) st1act <- runRule(st0,evnt1,r2o,"Observable") stopifnot(all.equal(st1exp,st1act)) ### runTRule st2 <- Status(uid="Test0",context="Stairs", timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-09-25 12:13:30 EDT"), observables=list(agentsUsed=list("Lever"), lastAgent="Lever", badge="silver")) evnt2 <- Event(uid="Test0", verb="satisfied",object="game level", context="Stairs", timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-09-25 12:13:30 EDT"), details= list("badge"="silver")) r4t <- Rule(name="Satisfied Trigger", doc="When the level is satisifed, send the observables.", context="ALL", verb="satisfied", object="game level", ruleType="Trigger", condition=list(), predicate=list("!send"=list(mess="Observables Available", context="state.oldContext", data=list()))) mess1 <- buildMessages(predicate(r4t),st2,evnt2)[[1]] cl <- new("CaptureListener") runTRule(st2,evnt2,r4t,cl) mess1a <- cl$lastMessage() stopifnot(all.equal(mess1a,mess1,check_ids=FALSE)) } \keyword{ manip }